This website is an HTML version of CMGG, Sim Lee's Classic Maya Glyph Guide (Amsterdam: self-published, 2023-2025), with an accompanying Concordance that gives a visual cross-reference to Thompson, Bonn, and MHD glyph information, including all of their glyphs. There is also a selection of TTTs (Transcription-Transliteration-Translations), illustrating the use of glyphs in real-world Maya inscriptions. The grids below are a kind of "index" to the CMGG; click on the word links to bring up the actual CMGG entries. The displayed glyphs are just mnemonic aids; the CMGG entries have many more examples, together with historical notes, etc. See the Help for more info, including if you are looking for a particular glyph.
This site is Open Access (free). The site and the material on it are for scholarly purposes only. Not for commercial use. All content is copyright by its creators unless otherwise stated. For sources, see here.
Caution: 1) The CMGG entries are based on the author's evolving study notes and, while they strive for accuracy, there is no guarantee that everything is correct; 2) The CMGG entries will be updated from time to time, as will the site in general. Latest update: 2024-11-23. To be notified of updates, please email the address below.
Please send any questions, suggestions for improvement, or other comments to We'd be very happy to hear from you!
(see below for Numbers and Calendar-Related Glyphs, Non-Logogram Words and Phrases, and Syllabograms)
exist? personification, impersonation (of a god) |
penis penis |
crocodile crocodile, caiman |
turtle turtle |
visit walk; run |
agentive; proclitic agentive prefix, title = "he/she of (the)" |
maize ear Foliated Maize God, FMG; whole cob of maize |
lord, ruler lord |
turkey turkey |
darkness, night darkness |
give dance (noun) |
grass, thatch? grass, grassland |
Ahkan [deity] God of the Underworld, God A' |
here / there is; child of woman child of mother |
bathe logogram of unknown meaning (used as a rebus and read as AT) |
bathe bathe |
stinger spine, thorn, fang, tooth, claw |
head, first, main; gopher; self image; self |
bone captive; bone |
[no MHD translation] howler monkey |
quartz quartz |
jaguar jaguar |
hammer hammer |
road road, way |
go away go by road, walk, travel |
droplet droplet; incense |
create; do penance penance, fasting, sacrifice |
incense offerer scatterer (title) |
[no MHD translation] rope? |
chop, destroy chop; axe; kill |
receive; take grasp; take; receive |
fox? fox |
cave?; town? cave |
blood? blood |
unripe; youth youth; prince |
Chahk [deity] Chaak, God B |
red; great, large? red; great |
die die |
sky; elevated; snake sky |
snake?; sky; elevated; four snake |
centipede centipede |
[no MHD translation] pulque |
deer; deer |
animal? coati |
[no MHD translation] father; patron |
peccary peccary |
cast, throw scatter |
sit; begin? sit |
Chuwaj? [deity] Jaguar God of the Underworld, JGU |
artist? monkey |
stairway step, stair, ladder |
descend descend |
?; star, planet; Venus star |
[no MHD translation] exit; emerge |
burn burn |
east east |
water; rain water |
rain?; water rain, water; wet |
tun, year; thirteen calendar unit haab, 3rd position in the LC = 360 days = Maya "year" |
? calendar day unit (or numeral classifier for k'in) |
feline jaguar, ocelot |
burn stoke, blow on, revive a fire; burn? |
arrive? arrive (at) |
conch shell shell, seashell (conch) |
headband; paper, book; leaf headband? / royal headband? book; paper; headband, headdress |
[no MHD translation] hawk, falcon |
ink, soot?; lima bean bean |
armadillo? armadillo |
front chest |
claw claw |
black black |
breath, wind wind; breath |
bundle, burden; precious stone bundle; burden; precious stone |
see, witness, observe see |
artist sage, wise man; artist; scribe |
Itzam [deity]; Itzam Kokaaj [deity]; Itzam Tz'ikin [deity] Itzam (name of a god) |
woman, lady; maize woman, lady, female |
maize Tonsured Maize God, TMG, maize in general; sweet corn |
plait; weave [net] weave; manifest, appear |
reed? reed |
weaver weaver |
maize tassel flower |
hit strike, hit |
hit striker, hitter |
change? change; adorn; replace; reveal |
[no MHD translation] sprout |
head skull |
come out, debut; water, irrigate accession to rulership; revelation; debut |
? <unknown> |
[no MHD translation] bring down (in battle) |
canoe canoe |
pierce spear; pierce |
expire diminish |
hand, arm hand; arm |
name name |
fire fire |
close, tie, bind bind, tie; wrap; present |
yellow; ripe; flat; stairway yellow; precious |
K'awil [deity] K'awiil |
announcer, singer sing |
peccary peccary |
skin pelt |
day; sun day; sun; calendar unit k'in, 1st (lowest) position in the LC = 1 day |
sun; radiant; K'inich Aajaaw [deity] glorious, radiant, effulgent (title) |
mask mask |
god god |
quetzal quetzal |
; grinding stone metate, grindstone |
town? Yaxchilan (EG) |
earth; honey; bee; hive earth |
[no MHD translation] water opossum?; otter |
settle settle; re-settle |
split; clear open; hack |
centipede centipede |
fish fish |
young male strong youth |
helmet helmet |
[no MHD translation] eagle |
fish bone?; serpent's tooth?; spine? stingray spine |
puma? cougar, puma |
? a type of bird? |
[no MHD translation] burden, cargo, load |
firefly? firefly |
rubber ball? cloth bundle; rubber ball? |
cut cut; sacrifice |
turkey turkey |
great horned owl? owl |
plate plate; ceramic brick; bone plaque |
large; banner; governor big, great; tax collector; banner |
diminish decrease, diminish; elapse |
shining? shiny |
depart, leave, emerge exit, leave |
twin? PDIG, Palenque Deity Introductory Glyph |
spirit being? dwarf |
spider monkey spider monkey |
turtle?; cover cover, close |
(maternal) grandfather; grandchild; ancestor; grandfather grandfather; grandson |
? logogram of unknown meaning MAN |
? other logogram of unknown meaning MAN |
cormorant cormorant; merganser duck |
tobacco; gift, offering deer hoof; tobacco; gift |
? square-nosed beastie, "SNB" |
child of man child of father |
macaw macaw |
bury? bury |
big, large; strong?; Piedras Negras |
[no MHD translation] Tikal (EG) |
bird bird |
hawk? sparrow-hawk |
cloud cloud |
building, house; first building, structure, house; first |
handspan handspan |
waterlily; lake lake, pond |
[no MHD translation] north (Postclassic) |
maize; place place; maize |
disappear eclipse glyph |
[no MHD translation] tail |
mirror?; mirror |
flower; plumeria? flower |
right; great? great, big |
[no MHD translation] logogram of unknown meaning NU'... |
pass pass through, pass by, a physical movement or passage |
enter; feed; west enter |
heart heart |
dog dog |
foot, footstep foot |
house; dwelling house; container |
split; food ravine, canyon; cleft; riverbank; fortress, wall; open |
back? back |
basilisk lizard? crested lizard, basilisk |
shield shield |
temple?; platform? pyramid |
dawn; open dawn, next day; open |
make, build, form make, shape, form, build |
province; make round round |
litter? palanquin, litter |
bak'tun, 8000 calendar unit baktun, 5th position in the LC = 144,000 days |
clothes, skirt skirt, garment |
[no MHD translation] ocean |
[no MHD translation] bulrush, cattail, reed |
burn; defeat burn |
[no MHD translation] drum |
scatter? scatter? fire |
atole, maize beverage atole, maize gruel |
white, bright; artificial; pure? white; pure |
ink, soot? ink; soot |
be born be born |
soapberry rain god (in month name) |
? Glyph-Y |
[no MHD translation] scorpion |
Si'p [deity]; antler; deer god, lord of the animals |
bat bat |
ascend? ascend; present |
peck? chop; peck |
rabbit; rabbit |
obsidian obsidian |
plural marker <plural marker> |
in front; in the middle centre, half, chest, middle |
torch torch |
[no MHD translation] dry |
numeral classifier ordinal number marker |
decorate decorate; renew; repaint |
? Tayel (part of personal name) |
numeral classifier; tree, wood, plant tree; wood; classifier for time periods; category of scribes |
basilisk lizard crested lizard, basilisk |
mouth, edge? mouth |
tapir tapir |
burn burn |
? Tiwol (name of a deity) |
[no MHD translation] cloud; storm |
basilisk lizard? lizard |
flint flint |
stone stone |
ear ornament ear-flare, earspool |
count; add count; put in order; stack; complete |
throne cushion throne |
plant? plant upright (stela etc); pile up |
dog dog |
write, paint write |
eagle? eagle? |
hummingbird hummingbird |
[no MHD translation] coati |
conjure conjure |
[no MHD translation] Seibal (EG) |
[no MHD translation] bottle gourd |
dog? dog |
finish complete, end, terminate |
listener? listen?; listener? |
moon? moon |
necklace necklace, collar, jewellery |
drink drink |
baby child of father; baby |
vulture vulture |
eye, face? face, visage, eye |
avocado? avocado |
stand up erect, put upright |
[no MHD translation] fox |
food, tamale tamale (maize-based "bread") |
[no MHD translation] centipede |
in? <part of placename> |
turtle turtle (freshwater turtle) |
spirit; sleep, dream?; spirit companion; co-essence spirit companion, alter ego; sleep; dream |
chamber?; portal? cenote |
sorcerer? Waywal (deity name?) |
food, eat eat |
last?; food, eat? last |
winal; person?; twenty man, person, human being; calendar unit winal, 2nd position in the LC = 20 days = Maya "month" |
k'atun calendar unit katun, 4th position in the LC = 7,200 days |
person? <class of supernatural beings?> |
hill, mountain; hill? mountain |
splash waterlily serpent, "Imix monster" |
young maize ear? seed, sprout; breath? |
[no MHD translation] palm |
male, man; man |
head spider; beetle |
shark? shark |
antler deer antler |
hip wound |
there? suffer, injure; wound, pain |
here / there is say; here is |
child? daughter of father |
first, new; green, blue blue-green; first |
cotinga lovely cotinga |
darken night sun; darken? |
? Yomootz (EG) |
[no MHD translation] Name of a god or animal; title |
leaf leaf |
Yop'aat [deity] Yopaat |
shake shake |
[no MHD translation] "orthographic doubler" |
[no MHD translation] "three rocks" |
[no MHD translation] "aged deity with hands" |
[no MHD translation] architectural object?; 400? |
ballcourt? ballcourt |
[no MHD translation] "banded bird title" |
[no MHD translation] "bone throne" |
[no MHD translation] "chequerboard", God-GIII of the Palenque triad's name (very last part - part 2) |
[no MHD translation] crossed legs |
[no MHD translation] "dotted Casper" |
[no MHD translation] "dragon" |
[no MHD translation] "female GI title" |
[no MHD translation] "God GI" |
[no MHD translation] great blue heron ? |
[no MHD translation] "hand holding three blades" |
lord, ruler half-kneeling legs |
[no MHD translation] "inverted olla" |
[no MHD translation] "jellyfish" |
[no MHD translation] Jaguar Paddler, Paddler God #1 |
[no MHD translation] "Kib" (part of personal name) |
[no MHD translation] "knot site" |
[no MHD translation] "maybe not ajaw"; God-GIII of the Palenque triad's name (very last part - part 1) |
[no MHD translation] Machaquila (EG) |
[no MHD translation] "penis-headed body" |
[no MHD translation] plaza |
[no MHD translation] "quadripartite badge"; sacrificial plate, sacrificial dish |
[no MHD translation] "quatrefoil glyph" |
[no MHD translation] Rio Azul (EG) |
[no MHD translation] "Stingray Spine Paddler", Paddler God #2 |
[no MHD translation] "trophy head" |
[no MHD translation] "two KAWAKs with filaments" |
[no MHD translation] Quirigua (EG) |
[no MHD translation] bloodthirsty god with no lower jaw, "uhman", "Bloody-Mouthed God"" |
Numbers and Calendar-Related Glyphs
(also available: Logograms, Non-Logogram Words and Phrases, and Syllabograms)
{YUK} indicates the Yucatec version of a day or month name,
as the Classic Maya name is sometimes not known with certainty.
[no MHD translation] Imix (day 1) |
[no MHD translation] Ik' (day 2) |
[no MHD translation] Ak'bal (day 3) |
[no MHD translation] K'an (day 4) |
[no MHD translation] Chikchan (day 5) |
[no MHD translation] Kimi (day 6) |
[no MHD translation] Manik (day 7) |
[no MHD translation] Lamat (day 8) |
[no MHD translation] Muluk (day 9) |
[no MHD translation] Ok (day 10) |
[no MHD translation] Chuwen (day 11) |
[no MHD translation] Eb (day 12) |
[no MHD translation] Ben (day 13) |
[no MHD translation] Ix (day 14) |
[no MHD translation] Men (day 15) |
[no MHD translation] Kib (day 16) |
[no MHD translation] Kaban (day 17) |
[no MHD translation] Etz'nab (day 18) |
[no MHD translation] Kawak (day 19) |
[no MHD translation] Ajaw (day 20) |
[no MHD translation] Pop (month 1) |
[no MHD translation] Wo (month 2) |
[no MHD translation] Sip (month 3) |
[no MHD translation] Sotz' (month 4) |
[no MHD translation] Sek (month 5) |
[no MHD translation] Xul (month 6) |
[no MHD translation] Yaxk'in (month 7) |
[no MHD translation] Mol (month 8) |
[no MHD translation] Ch'en (month 9) |
[no MHD translation] Yax (month 10) |
[no MHD translation] Sak (month 11) |
[no MHD translation] Keh (month 12) |
[no MHD translation] Mak (month 13) |
[no MHD translation] K'ank'in (month 14) |
[no MHD translation] Muwaan (month 15) |
[no MHD translation] Pax (month 16) |
[no MHD translation] K'ayab (month 17) |
[no MHD translation] Kumk'u (month 18) |
[no MHD translation] Wayeb (month 19) |
[no MHD translation] Numbers |
zero; zero/no Number "0" |
; one Number "1" |
; two Number "2" |
three Number "3" |
four Number "4" |
five Number "5" |
six Number "6" |
[no MHD translation] Number "7" |
eight Number "8" |
[no MHD translation] Number "9" |
; ten Number "10" |
eleven Number "11" |
twelve Number "12" |
thirteen Number "13" |
[no MHD translation] Number "14" |
[no MHD translation] Number "15" |
[no MHD translation] Number "16" |
[no MHD translation] Number "17" |
[no MHD translation] Number "18" |
[no MHD translation] Number "19" |
twenty Number "20" |
[no MHD translation] Number "21" and above |
[no MHD translation] Number "8000" |
[no MHD translation] Calendar Unit overview - the units of the LC |
[no MHD translation] calendar unit piktun, 6th highest in the LC |
[no MHD translation] calendar unit kalabtun, 7th highest in the LC |
[no MHD translation] calendar unit kinchiltun, 8th highest in the LC |
[no MHD translation] calendar unit alawtun, 9th highest in the LC |
[no MHD translation] Glyph-A |
[no MHD translation] Glyph-B |
[no MHD translation] Glyph-C overview |
[no MHD translation] Glyph-C1 |
[no MHD translation] Glyph-C2 |
[no MHD translation] Glyph-C3 |
[no MHD translation] Glyph-F |
[no MHD translation] Glyph-G overview |
[no MHD translation] Glyph-G1 |
[no MHD translation] Glyph-G2 |
[no MHD translation] Glyph-G3 |
[no MHD translation] Glyph-G4 |
[no MHD translation] Glyph-G5 |
[no MHD translation] Glyph-G6 |
[no MHD translation] Glyph-G7 |
[no MHD translation] Glyph-G8 |
[no MHD translation] Glyph-G9 |
[no MHD translation] Glyph-X overview |
[no MHD translation] Glyph X with 1+DG |
[no MHD translation] Glyph X with 2+DG |
[no MHD translation] Glyph X with 3+DG |
[no MHD translation] Glyph X with 4+DG |
[no MHD translation] Glyph X with 5+DG |
[no MHD translation] Glyph X with 6+DG |
[no MHD translation] Glyph X with 1+TMG |
[no MHD translation] Glyph X with 2+TMG |
[no MHD translation] Glyph X with 3+TMG |
[no MHD translation] Glyph X with 4+TMG |
[no MHD translation] Glyph X with 5+TMG |
[no MHD translation] Glyph X with 6+TMG |
[no MHD translation] Glyph X with 1+JGU |
[no MHD translation] Glyph X with 2+JGU |
[no MHD translation] Glyph X with 3+JGU |
[no MHD translation] Glyph X with 4+JGU |
[no MHD translation] Glyph X with 5+JGU |
[no MHD translation] Glyph X with 6+JGU |
Non-Logogram Words and Phrases
(also available: Logograms, Numbers and Calendar-Related Glyphs, and Syllabograms)
[no MHD translation] victory, conquest |
seller of maize |
seller of earthenware vessels |
Aj K'ahk' O Chaak |
seller of nixtamal |
priest; worshipper |
stacker, piler, he of the stacks, he who piles |
seller of tobacco |
toad |
artist |
leader, guide |
ball player, ballgame player |
salt seller |
scribe |
seller of atole |
sculptor |
seller of tamales |
become a lord |
lordship, rulership |
[no MHD translation] awaken |
[no MHD translation] give, offer (e.g. sacrifices) |
[no MHD translation] last night, yesterday |
[no MHD translation] Ak'e (EG) |
[no MHD translation] giver |
dance (verb) |
here |
[no MHD translation] toad |
[no MHD translation] lower ranked title (anaab) |
wife, spouse |
first lord, head lord |
principal son of mother |
crown prince, heir apparent; first youth, head youth |
first painter, head painter |
first earth, first earth lord, head earth, head earth lord (title) |
headstrong youth |
first shield, head shield |
first wood, head wood; first spear, head spear |
first throne, head throne, first person of the throne, head person of the throne |
first flint, head flint |
first rock |
first throne, head throne, first person of the throne, head person of the throne |
first sculptor |
first born, first child |
Baakel Waywal (PAL & PNG title) |
Baax Tuun |
Xultun |
[no MHD translation] banak |
pavement, whitewashed road (or wall) |
[no MHD translation] Bik'iil |
[no MHD translation] coyote |
Bolon Okte' K'uh, Bolon Yokte' K'uh |
[no MHD translation] carve |
[no MHD translation] bean |
[no MHD translation] clothes |
[no MHD translation] smoke |
[no MHD translation] pinole |
decapitate |
take the power |
[no MHD translation] dwarf; hunchback |
childhood name |
[no MHD translation] deliver, hand over, entrust; place, put |
public performance |
[no MHD translation] woven basket |
[no MHD translation] thunder; lightning |
youth title |
Venus |
basket-staff (ritual object) |
town, city, centre of the city? |
celestial |
celestial god(s) |
title of rulers subordinate to calakmul |
[no MHD translation] fish |
[no MHD translation] paint brush, quill pen |
[no MHD translation] say (so [/it] says, quotative particle) |
calakmul (specific area of city) |
[no MHD translation] west (Postclassic) |
[no MHD translation] rattle |
Chit K'uh |
[no MHD translation] kiln?; sanctuary? |
[no MHD translation] tarantula, great spider |
scatter incense, scatter drops |
[no MHD translation] capture |
first day of <month-name> |
start of the year |
sit in lordship |
[no MHD translation] messenger |
cense a building, house cense |
[no MHD translation] Cancuen (city) |
Zapote Bobal |
ho' huun title |
huk chapaat (aspect of the sun god) |
Yaxchilan (EG) |
[no MHD translation] chili |
[no MHD translation] maternal uncle |
[no MHD translation] heron |
mythological divine founding ancestor of the Naranjo dynasty |
black cenote place |
Ihk' Xukuup, QRG toponym |
black headdress |
Motul de San José |
[no MHD translation] younger brother |
younger obsidian, junior obsidian (courtly title for a scribe) |
maize-tree |
[no MHD translation] bowl |
[no MHD translation] banner, flagstaff |
flap-staff (ritual object) |
[no MHD translation] tripod plate |
[no MHD translation] drill |
[no MHD translation] pilgrim |
[no MHD translation] shell, seashell (spondylus) |
hero twins |
beloved; child of mother |
God-GI of the Palenque triad (full name) |
die |
name stone (funerary monument) |
ocean |
fiery |
[no MHD translation] bridge |
present the headband |
accession name, coronation name |
present the white headband |
present the stone |
high quality yellow limestone |
Ucanal (EG) |
[no MHD translation] forest |
singer |
Cancuen (EG) |
drought |
part of PNG polity |
[no MHD translation] mask; image |
[no MHD translation] arrive at |
divine, holy, sacred |
holy person |
[no MHD translation] cry out |
[no MHD translation] vulture |
terrestrial god(s), earthly god(s) |
[no MHD translation] cacao |
kaloomte', high king |
[no MHD translation] fisherman |
[no MHD translation] father; uncle (metaphorical: "patron", "protector") |
[no MHD translation] create |
trogon tree ?; turtle tree ? |
[no MHD translation] guardian |
winder |
east (Postclassic) |
Palenque |
stela, great stone |
[no MHD translation] days later (x days later) |
[no MHD translation] staff?; lance? |
[no MHD translation] mud, clay; stucco, plaster |
[no MHD translation] negative marker; no; without |
matwiil |
[no MHD translation] part of Naranjo polity |
[no MHD translation] gifting (blood sacrifice) |
[no MHD translation] mist, fog |
[no MHD translation] hug, embrace |
[no MHD translation] nest |
god of the underworld and sacrifice |
grave, tomb |
[no MHD translation] pigeon |
[no MHD translation] Muxkan |
[no MHD translation] present |
Tikal noble title |
La Florida |
right hand (of the ruler) |
south |
[no MHD translation] marry |
[no MHD translation] twilight, dusk |
[no MHD translation] many |
die |
die |
fire enters (ritual) |
west |
[no MHD translation] green-winged macaw |
Yaxchilan (EG) |
[no MHD translation] feather; hide; skin |
[no MHD translation] sour; fermented |
common people |
[no MHD translation] lintel |
[no MHD translation] return |
Pomona (Tabasco) |
[no MHD translation] doorway |
[no MHD translation] tribute |
[no MHD translation] summon, call; invite; announce |
La Mar |
island |
sweat-bath |
[no MHD translation] ball game |
[no MHD translation] ball player, ballgame player |
[no MHD translation] headdress |
brush-washing bowl |
[no MHD translation] Pomoy |
[no MHD translation] mat |
weaving bone |
[no MHD translation] earlier today |
[no MHD translation] provincial governor |
white bone house centipede deity |
sacbe |
noble title "pure / white monkey" (popular in Naranjo) |
atole, maize gruel |
white headband (symbol of authority) |
sak lakal |
La Corona |
palace at palenque |
title of ruler subordinate to Calakmul |
building associated with dance in Piedras Negras |
[no MHD translation] lose |
[no MHD translation] dwarf |
[no MHD translation] elder brother |
elder obsidian, senior obsidian (courtly title for a scribe) |
city surrounded by land |
city surrounded by water |
half period |
[no MHD translation] arrive (from) |
battle |
wild |
[no MHD translation] step on |
[no MHD translation] throne, seat, bench |
first day of <month-after-month-name> |
mouth (of the?) fiery headband |
mouth (of the?) white headband |
Ich? Kan Tijo, Ich? Ka'n Tijo' (Dzibilchaltun-Mérida) toponym |
[no MHD translation] noun classifier for people |
[no MHD translation] rock outcrop, rock cliff; summit of mountain |
[no MHD translation] tribute, payment |
Tok Tahn |
after; behind |
[no MHD translation] pigeon |
[no MHD translation] clashing noise |
left hand (of the ruler) |
cosmic monster, celestial crocodile |
[no MHD translation] painting |
[no MHD translation] part, partition, province, district (#2) |
[no MHD translation] fresh |
[no MHD translation] part, partition, province, district (#1) |
[no MHD translation] opossum |
captor; master; guardian |
child of father or mother |
[no MHD translation] happen |
local god of Palenque |
Rio Azul |
mountain of 24,000 scorpions |
Calakmul (whole city) |
Caracol |
drinking vessel |
done under the auspices of, supervised by |
[no MHD translation] atole, maize gruel |
[no MHD translation] mosquito |
[no MHD translation] vulture |
the army of, the military might of |
[no MHD translation] good |
[no MHD translation] carving |
[no MHD translation] kinkajou |
stand up there is, was |
[no MHD translation] fan |
[no MHD translation] Santa Elena Balancán |
sleeping room, dormitory shrine, temple |
eating vessel |
[no MHD translation] famine |
place Maya rulers derived authority from |
[no MHD translation] glyph |
[no MHD translation] north |
[no MHD translation] centre (the very centre of something) |
Bonampak? (EG) |
[no MHD translation] bird-staff (ritual object) |
[no MHD translation] Copan (EG) |
subordinate lord to |
lord of the fire (title), fire lord |
deity associated with palanquins |
lord of the spear (title), war captain |
[no MHD translation] above |
throw down |
noble |
waterlily serpent deity |
God of the First Rain |
Yaxha |
blue |
El Cayo |
deed of, doing of |
below |
namesake |
in the presence of |
[no MHD translation] with, accompanied by |
[no MHD translation] Piedras Negras (EG) |
[no MHD translation] tribute cloth, cloth tribute, cotton |
[no MHD translation] shaker |
[no MHD translation] fruity |
[no MHD translation] agentive suffix, "-er" |
[no MHD translation] mother (of) |
Syllabograms (unlinked entries mean no glyph known).
See above for Logograms, Numbers and Calendar-Related Glyphs, and Non-Logogram Words and Phrases.
Up to Logograms, Numbers and Calendar-Related Glyphs, and Non-Logogram Words and Phrases