CMGG entry for may      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide and Concordance.)

Translation: deer hoof; tobacco; gift
Part of speech: Noun

Logogram spellings of may

                           A black and white drawing of a snake  Description automatically generated                             A black and white drawing of a pair of shoes  Description automatically generated                          

K&L.p12.#5.1&2&3&4                                                                                      TOK.p30.r1.c4                              BMM9.p18.r7.c3                   JM.p169.#3

MAY                                                                                                                      MAY                                              MAY                                         MAY


[25EMC.pdfp42.#3.2&3 = K&L.p12.#5.3&2; 25EMC.pdfp42.#3.1 = JM.p169.#3]






Schele                                     Greene                                         Greene                                      

PAL TC C3                               PAL PT E8                                     PAL PT G14

i.<u:K’AL:MAY>                     <<K’AL:MAY>.ja>:ji                     <u.?>.<MAY:yi:ji>




Snuff bottle                                                                                            

yo.<to:ti> u.<MAY:ya> a{h}ku{l} MO’.o                                             


·     No glyphs given in K&H.

·     The only examples I’ve seen are the “tobacco” or “gift” meaning, none with the literal meaning of “deer hoof”.

·     MHD search on “blcodes contains AVB” gives 24 hits, but I haven’t looked at any besides the examples given here.

·     Do not confuse this with one of the variants of CHIJ = “deer” (visually slightly similar):

o CHIJ has more than just the hoof (it includes the haunch) whereas MAY shows the hoof only.

o CHIJ shows the leg bound (presumably to stop the deer from escaping), whereas MAY has no binding at all (as there is no haunch to bind anyway).

·     MAY = “deer hoof” is used as a rebus for writing the homonym may = “tobacco”.

o A snuff bottle gives: yotoot umay <X> = “(the) container of tobacco of <X>” = “(the) snuff bottle of <X>”.

·     Perhaps via the “tobacco” meaning (or completely independently of it), MAY as a deer hoof is also used as a rebus for writing the homonym “gift” – see also mayij = “gifting (blood sacrifice)”.