CMGG entry for yaxjal      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Translation: blue
Part of speech: Adjective

Spellings of yaxjal


K&H.p30.pdfp32.fig11                                 Coll-1                                                Coll-1

IXZ Stela 4 A3-B3                                           YAX Lintel 10 B4                             YAX Lintel 14 C1

a.ya.<YAX:ja:la> BAAK.“UHMAN”               <YAX:ja{l}>.<wi:WITZ>                  IX.<YAX:<ja[la]>>


·    K&H.p121.pdfp123.#6: yaxjal YAX-ja{l} / ya-YAX-ja-la è yax-jal adj “blue”.

·    EN-Wikipedia: Aj Yaxjal Bʼaak (ruled c. 780) was the only known ruler of the Maya city of Ixtutz, which was the most important city in the Dolores region.

·    The (tentative) meanings:

o IXZ Stela 4: Aj Yaxjal Baak “Uhman” = “He of the Blue Bone Underworld-God”.

o YAX Lintel 10: Yaxjal Witz = “Blue Mountain”.

o YAX Lintel 14: Ix Yaxjal = “Lady Blue”.

·    Caution: there may be very good reasons not to read all three as “blue” but in fact to read them as three very different (practically unrelated) words. For example, the syntax of female titles might not allow Ix <adjective> without an Ajaw following, and there might be a deity Yaxal (from Yax-Ha’al = “First Rain”, “Primordial Rain”), with Ix <deity-name> being a perfectly acceptable syntax. That would prevent the merging of the readings for Yax Lintel 10 and 14. And perhaps it’s unknown anywhere else for the logogram YAX to have an initial phonetic complement of syllabogram ya. That would prevent the merging of either of the readings for Yax Lintel 10 or 14 with that of IXZ Stela 4.