CMGG entry for k'inich      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Translation: glorious, radiant, effulgent (title)
Part of speech: Adjective

Logogram spellings of k'inich

                                                                                         A black and white drawing of a symbol  Description automatically generated                                                              

K&H.p84.#7           K&L.p32.#1.14-16 [JM.p152.#2 = K&L.p32.#1.15]              TOK.p8.r2.c6                    MC.p164.r4.c6                    MC.p164.r4.c7

K’INICH                   K’INICH                     K’INICH                                                      K’INICH                             K’INICH                                 K’INICH.<[K’IN]chi>].ni



CPN Altar Q B5                              CPN Altar Q F2                                   PAL TI Sarcophagus Lid 8                M&G.p142.3 = PNG St.3 C4

K’INICH.<YAX:K’UK’[MO’]>          K’INICH.<YAX:K’UK’[MO’]>              K’INICH.<JANAAB:PAKAL>              K’INICH.<yo.<NAL:<o.AHK>>>



ZenderEtAl-SSw.p38.pdfp4.fig2b                              ZenderEtAl-SSw.p39.pdfp5.fig4a                    ZenderEtAl-SSw.p39.pdfp5.fig4b

YAX Lintel 58, E1-E2                                                    YAX Lintel 2 J1-J2                                                YAX Lintel 52 I2-I3

che.<le:we> <CHAN:na>.K’INICH                              che.<le:we> <CHAN:na>.K’INICH                     che.<le:we> <CHAN:na>.K’INICH



M&G.p70.#4 = NAR Altar 2 B3-A4                                                M&G.p60.2 = M&                    M&G.p134.1.1

AJ.<wo:sa{l}> <CHAN:na>.K’INICH                                                K’AWIIL.<CHAN:K’INICH>                          <che:le:we>.<CHAN:K’INICH>


                                A black and white drawing of a face  Description automatically generated

K&L.p32.#1.1-13                                                          (lost reference)                 (lost reference)

K’INICH                                                                          K’INICH                               K’INICH:ni



TOK.p25.r1.c2                  BMM9.p14.r6.c4                              MC.p164.r4.c4                    MC.p164.r4.c5                   

K’IN                                    K’INICH                                               K’IN/K’INICH                        K’INICH                      


·    No glyphs given in BMM9.

·    TOK.p25.r1.c2 reads this as only K’IN not K’INICH – one might think that it needs the two longish elements (one of them resembling the reduced form of ma) to read K’INICH (and without them, it’s just K’IN), but K&L have quite a few examples without it, read K’INICH.

·    Variants (2):

o A. Stylized – two rectangular elements (either vertical or horizontal, but typically vertical):

§ Inside element (the K’IN and YAX-outline can be completely rectangular):

·      K’IN in the centre.

·      One arc on each end.

·      One YAX-outline on the end of each arc, with a dot inside the YAX-outline, at the centre of the spot where the YAX-outline touches the arcs.

§ Outside element (optional):

·      Reduced (bow-tie) variant of ma.

o B. God head:

§ Sometimes has one (very occasionally two) K’IN elements.

§ Optionally, the stylized variant on the right.

§ The whole glyph is just “K’INICH”, also when it consists of the head and the reduced variant.

§ Note that just the head alone can be used to write 4, and then it is read CHAN.


Syllabogram spellings of k'inich


LTI Kimbell Panel/unprovenanced E



·    The K’IN can be infixed either in the bay formed by the thumb and the forefinger, or at the bottom (=on the back of the hand itself), replacing the partitive disk, but centred.