MartinEtAl-SaS.p2.fig2 Stuart GrubeEtAl-URSK.p25.fig7c
CLK Stela 51 H2 CRN Panel 1 W6 CRN misc 1 E2
SAK.<WAY:si> SAK.<WAY{is}> SAK.<WAY:si>
GrubeEtAl-URSK.p25.fig7e GrubeEtAl-URSK.p25.fig7d = Lopes&MacLeod-AUAA. p18.fig5 (Lopes?)
K4644 K5424
SAK.<WAY:si?> SAK.<WAY:si:AJAW> YOPAAT.ti BAHLAM:ma <K’UH{ul}:cha>.<TAHN:WINIK> SAK.<wa:WAY:si>
Grube&Olguin-TCfU.p5.fig4 GrubeEtAl-URSK.p22.fig5 GrubeEtAl-URSK.p25.fig7a GrubeEtAl-URSK.p25.fig7b
unprovenanced UXL Stela 2 A12-D2 UXL Stela 16 Cp8 UXL Stela 17 Ap4
SAK.<WAY:si> SAK.<si?:WAY> CHAN.<WAY:si> <SAK?>.<WAY:si>
· A title:
o EB.p158.pdfp163.fn228: Sak Wayis is a title associated with the elite of Chatan.
o MartinEtAl-SaS.p4: SAK-WAY-si sak wayis, a title carried by the rulers of sites situated south of Calakmul and north of El Peru.
o Canuto&Barrientos-ILC.p2: the honorific title sak wayis, typical of Kaanal allies; 2 mentions of the term.
o Grube&Olguin-TCfU: It is part of the name-phrases of rulers from polities in the Northern Petén, such as La Corona, and Southern Campeche and is very common on codex-style ceramics—many of which were produced under the patronage of a lord bearing this title. Grube thinks that at some time, sak wayis was the name of an important local family from Uxul. This interpretation is supported by two other occurrences of the sak wayis glyph on Uxul Stelae 16 and 17. Stela 17 talks about u mam sak wayis, “the grandfather/the forefather of sak wayis” (Grube and Paap 2010). This stela was erected on top of the heavily looted pyramid M1, which probably was the ancestor shrine of the sak wayis family in Uxul.
· This title is very often used in conjunction with another title – k'uhul chatan/chatahn winik (see AU-DSMaEPW, Lopes-TKaMPoA, MartinEtAl-SaS).
· StuartEtAl-UE-GT-EN: A title found on La Corona that behaves similarly to the emblem glyph is the enigmatic term read as sak wahyis or k'uhul sak wahyis. It is found in several of the centers located in the region to the south and west of Calakmul, including Uxul (Grube and Delvendahl 2013), and also accompanies several names that are mentioned on ceramics known as "codex-style". The precise meaning of the title sak wahyis is not yet understood at this time – apart from sak, "white", it is difficult to translate – but it appears to function very similarly to emblem glyph titles on other sites, as it appears after personal names of rulers. The more specialized form k'uhul sak wahyis, which is a "sacred sak wahyis" possibly refers to a more sacred status within the same category. The restricted regional distribution of all Sak Wahyis titles may indicate the existence of a distinctive mode of political organization for the North Central Petén region, although this is still poorly understood.
· GrubeEtAl-URSK:
o Has 11 mentions of the term.
o GrubeEtAl-URSK.p25.fig7c has a WAY which actually has the head of a jaguar, with the spots, but this is one of the known variants of WAY anyway, no suggestion of the BAHLAM.
· The WAY part of the word is subject to the same variation as the WAY itself.