CMGG entry for matwiil      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Translation: matwiil
Part of speech: Noun

Spellings of matwiil


Greene                                                                Greene                                                             

PAL PT C13                                                         PAL TC E15                                                       

K’UH{ul}.<MAT{wiil}:AJAW:la>                       K’UH{ul}.<MAT{wiil}:AJAW:wa>                   


·    The la at the end in PAL PT C13 is the end phonetic complement for matwiil. (The Palenque Emblem Glyph bird is read K'UH(UL)-AJAW-MATWIL-la / k'uhul matwil ajaw / "holy Matwil lord", reported as a comment on C13 on

·    The mythical place (“city”) where the (mythical) founder of the Baakel polity first established the dynasty, supposedly on 9-Ik’ 15-Keh è LC =; 10 November 2360 BC. This can be found on PAL TC D13-F2 and PAL TS C7-D10, where it is recounted that a mythical ancestor of the Baakel polity arrived at Matwiil on that date, after “encircling the Wak Chan” (a building?). However, it isn’t quite clear from the two inscriptions that it’s the same being arriving at Matwiil:

o On PAL TC D13-F2 it seems to be God-GI of the Palenque Triad (C16-D16), explicitly named something like Juun Ye Winkil? Chaak (at C16-D16).

o On PAL TS C7-D10 it seems to be Muwaan Mat – the protagonist of the arrival at Matwiil is not explicitly given in C7-D10, but the following passage (C11-D13) gives the name Muwaan Mat (at C13).

·    Gronemeyer-LoTiMHW.p93.para2.l-1: It is the birthplace of the Palenque Triad (Kelley 1965: 97; Stuart & Houston 1994: 77); and frequently, Palenque rulers identify themselves as matwil lords to claim their godly descent (Gronemeyer 2012: 32).


Syllabogram spellings of matwiil


Greene                                 Greene                                                  Mathews

PAL TC D17                          PAL TC F2                           K792                                              LTI Panel 2 D3

<<ma:ta>.wi>:la                  <<ma:ta>.wi>:la               ma.<ta:wi>.li                                ma.<ta:wi>{il}


·    Caution: The Matwiil found on LTI Panel 2 D3 most likely has nothing to do with the mythical home of the PAL ruling dynasty. In any case, the connection is unclear.