CMGG entry for huub      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Translation: shell, seashell (conch)
Part of speech: Noun

Logogram spellings of huub


MHD.AA6.1&2&3                                                 T210b                           B1848st

JUB                                                                                                                HUB



Safronov                                   Graham                                        Graham

BPK SS5 E3                                YAX Lintel 1 B10                         YAX Lintel 1 J3                        

<HUUB:TUUN>.ni                    HUUB.<?.<TE’:la>>                     K’UH{ul}.<HUUB:ji:AJAW>


·    MHD glosses this as jub, but I’m writing only huub, due to the full syllabogram spelling, which has hu-bi.

·    It’s hard to say what HUUB is doing (twice) on YAX Lintel 1 (B10 and J3), especially in the second occurrence, which seems to be an EG – both morphologically (as a glyph-block) and syntactically (in its position within the sentence).


Syllabogram spellings of huub


L&D.p87.r3.c2.a = gb5a

Zender-TMMD.p17.fig5 5A           D1                Houston

Incised Marine Shell                                Inscribed Marine Shell                               AGT Inscribed Shell

Ethnologisches Museum Berlin             Cleveland Museum of Art                         CatNo. 22A647-10

hu:bi                                                           hu[bi]                                                            hu[bi]


·    L&D.p87: Incised Shell K8895, but it’s not found in

·    Zender-TMMD.p17.fig5.5a = Zender-TMMD.p17.c2.fn32 = Zender-TMMD.p16.c2.l+20.

· = Zender-TMMD.p18.c2.l+7.

·    AT-YT2021-lecture20.t0:07:45: we know that these anecdotes are about the talking conch shell.

·    The AGT/Houston example is found in Chapter 13: Miscellaneous Text, from Life and Politics at the Royal Court of Aguateca. Artifacts, Analytical Data, and Synthesis. Monographs of the Aguateca Archeological Project First Phase, Volume 3. Eds. Takeshi Inomata & Daniela Triadean.