CMGG entry for syllabogram se      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Variant: boulder


MC = K&H                     JM                         TOK.p14.r1.c3



TOK.p22.r3.c2               Schele

                                        YAX Stela 12 D1



·    Similar to a reduced variant of cha. The full variant of cha has “feelers”, but the full variant of se never has.

·    Do not confuse with bo, where the two elements on the side each have a vertical spine of three non-touching dots (and the two elements are also more in the middle of the vertical axis, rather than touching the bottom, as here in se.


Sub-variants (2)

·    A. Standard:

o Boulder outline – a tendency to be rectangular, with more height than width.

o LEM at the top, attached to (or slightly free of) the ceiling.

o An “inverted-L” on the left and an “inverted-L” on the right.

·    B. Skull:

o A standard skull:

§ Nose-hole.

§ Bone-jaw with 3 touching dots as teeth on the top.

§ %-sign.