JM.p280.#3 = Greene Teufel-PhD.p375.
PAL Tablet of the Slaves E1 PNG Stela 12 B18-A19
ya:AJAW:K’AHK’ ya:AJAW:K’AHK’ u.ya.<ja:{w}:K’AHK’> ?
· This was a rank in the administration of the Classic Maya polity. It can be thought of as a single concept, and one can have u-yajawk’ahk’ <X>: “The Yajaw K’ahk’ of <X>”, where <X> is the ruler of a polity.
· Safronov: this was the principal commander of the soldiers, the Lord of the Fire (Moscow, November 2021).
· AT-YT2021-lecture24.t0:26:21-27:00 – mentioned as one of the many titles in the “military” half (as opposed to the “administrative” half) of the ruling structure: the Vassal of the Fire, presumably of the fiery headband of the king, the fire priest – these titles denote top commanders who may be credited with military victories. [Sim: No glyphs shown for this title in this part of the lecture.]