CMGG entry for pokol-cheb      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide and Concordance.)

Alternative readings: POKOL-CHEHB / POKOL-CHE'B / POKOL-CHE'EB
Translation: brush-washing bowl
Part of speech: Noun

Spellings of pokol-cheb = EB.p185.pdfp190.fig6d

K7786 E-F

<u.po>:<ko:lo> <che:e>.bu


·     Boot-THToK7786&K4669.p3.para2.l+1: a rare collocation […] ’u-po-ko-lo che-’e-b’u […] leads to a transliteration upokolche’eb’ or “his quill-washing bowl”.

·     EB.p151.pdfp156.#1.1: pok- tv. to wash (something) » po-ko > pok- “to wash”.

·     EB.p151.pdfp156.#1.2: pokol.che’bul cn. washing basin for brush [Sim: giving  K7786 as reference]

·     See also under cheb / chehb / che’b / che’eb = “brush” / “paintbrush” / “quill pen”.