· Is this also a crested lizard / basilisk – the logogram has a crest?
· Need reference to paper discussing this logogram.
HoustonEtAl-TLK.p1.fig1d HoustonEtAl-TLK.p1.fig1e
K3026 Señor del Peten vase
CHAK ch'o.ko KELEEM a{*la}.tzi <to:lo>.ko 4.e?{*k'e?} AJ YAX to:lo ki?
· The CHAK is a skull/mammal-head with a long vertical element on the left is also seen in BMM9.p15.r4.c2 (though this is a side issue, as the entry here is for tolok / tolook; CHAK is merely part of the context).
· In KELEM, the long vertical element on the left is part of KELEM resembles a hand with the thumb in the mouth of the monkey.
· In HoustonEtAl-TLK.p1.fig1d, he reconstructs *k’e after the e, because the name of the ruler is known as Kan Ek’, as given by K4387 M1 (although the translation/transcription in the Kerr site does not write the k with glottalization); this is such a popular name (especially in later times) that we can be quite confident that this ruler is also named Kan Ek’, even if it the rulers on K4387 and K3026 do not refer to the same person.