CMGG entry for ihk' way nal      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide and Concordance.)

Translation: black cenote place
Part of speech: Noun

Spellings of ihk' way nal

                                                                                     = MHD (Kerr)                       MMA archive       = MHD (Schele)                    Coe&Benson-TMRPaDO.p30 = MHD (Tokovinine)             

K791 PSS-13 / N1                                                K1609 F1                                                              LAC Panel 1 N5                                                         

IHK’.<WAY:NAL>                                                 IHK’.<WAY:NAL:la>                                            IHK’.<WAY:NAL:la>                                                  



Coll-1             = MHD (Looper)                    Montgomery            = Graham

QRG Stela J D17                                           YAX HS2 Step 7 G5

<[IHK’]WAY>:NAL:la                                    IHK’.<WAY:ya:NAL>                      


·     The example for K1609 is from a photograph in the archive of the MMA (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City):

·     The toponym Ihk’ Waynal is a mythical place. It is one of the places which connect the human world with the Watery Underworld.

·     MHD has 8 hits for “blengl contains ihk’ waynal”, of which 5 are in the examples above.

·     Usage:

o K791 PSS-13 / N1: the owner of this drinking vessel drinks from this vessel only when he is the personification of Mixnal Winkil, the (name of the) Lord of Ihk’ Way Nal.

o K1609 F1: meaning unclear to me – it’s part of a phrase which includes two toponyms, namely Ihk’ Way Nal and Ihk’ Nahb Nal.

o LAC Panel 1 N5: the reference is (probably) to the birthplace of the protagonist of this inscription – Aj Sak Teles, the sajal of “Trophy-Head Jaguar” (the latter apparently a ruler of Xukalnaah and Ak’e, different from “Trophy-Head Jaguar” I and II, earlier rulers of YAX) – unusual as the birthplace of a real-life figure, because it’s primarily a mythical place.

o QRG Stela J D17: an additional name/title in the extended name/title of K’ahk’ Tiliw Chan Yopaat, ruler of QRG.

o YAX HS Step 7 G5: the place in mythical time where the third of three victims was decapitated.