BMM9.p10.c1.r4 25EMC.pdfp37.#3 Grube-TLJ.p1.fig1 = T284 M&L.p286.2M2
Grube-TLJ.p2.fig3a Grube-TLJ.p2.fig3b Grube-TLJ.p2.fig3c Grube-TLJ.p2.fig3d
CRN Element 53 CRN panel 3 CRN panel 2 CRN HS 3, Block 2
NAR Stela 24, front NAR Stela 24, right side NAR Stela 29, back
M&G.p74.1 = M&G.p74.box1 = Grube-TLJ.p2.fig2a Grube-TLJ.p2.fig2b Grube-TLJ.p2.fig2c
· No glyphs given in K&H, K&L, TOK.
· Resembles the top part of AJAW, but is distinct from it.
· Although different, there isn’t a discrepancy in logogram between BMM9.p10.c1.r4 and Grube-TLJ.p1.fig1:
o The first element is the same, but the second element is (respectively) po or BEN.
o This is because JALAM is just the cross-hatched eyeball on top of reduced AJAW. AJAW can be BEN.po or po.BEN – in BMM9, the BEN is covered by the new element, whereas in Grube-TLJ the po is covered.
· Caution: M&L have two different glyphs as 2M2 – this one (T284) and T170.
· List of prominent persons named Ix Wak Jalam Chan:
o Lady Six Sky of NAR, daughter of Bajlaj Chan K’awiil of DPL, and mother of K’ahk’ Tiliw Chan Chaak of NAR.
o Ix Wak Jalam Chan of Motul de San José, second wife of Kokaaj Bahlam IV.
o Ix Chak Tok Chaak of CRN, wife of Chakaw Nahb Chan and mother of his two sons, K’inich Yook and Chak Ak’ Paat Kuy.
· Meaning:
o BBM9.p10.r4.c1 JALAM (no meaning given).
o As per Grube-TLJ.p4-5 = ‘weaver’ (Grube-TLJ.p4.l-7).
o Dorota Bojkowska says quite commonly accepted as weaver.
o 25EMC.pdfp37.#3 explicitly gives “weaver”.
Zender-TCMPG.p11.fig8e Grube-TLJ.p4.fig5 = Grube-TLJ.p3.fig4b = (lost reference)
K1383 (RAZ) OXP Stela 5 YAX Lintel 41 D1-D2
IX.<ja:la:ma> IX:WAK ja:la:mi CHAN:na IX.6 <ja[la]:ma>.<CHAN:AJAW>