CMGG entry for glyph-g3      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide and Concordance.)

Translation: Glyph-G3
Part of speech: Noun

Spellings of glyph-g3


K&L.p65.G3.1         =  Gronemeyer-GGF.p5.fig4.d          Gronemeyer-GGF.p5.fig4.c            Gronemeyer-GGF.p5.fig4.f

                                      Site Q P. 4 A4                                   PAL Stucco glyph                              Yaleltsemen Cave A2



                                                                                               YAX Lintel 10 B1                                K&L.p65.G3.4                      


                                                                                               Glyph-G.Glyph-F                               Glyph-F[Glyph-G]



K&L.p65.G3.2         = Gronemeyer-GGF.p5.fig4.e           Gronemeyer-GGF.p5.fig4.a             Gronemeyer-GGF.p5.fig4.b

                                     TNA Base                   PAL TFC West J. B1                            PAL ST A9

                                                                                                 Glyph-F[Glyph-G]                              Glyph-F[Glyph-G]



                                                                                               K&L.p65.G3.3 = MC.p50.G3.1                                        K&H.p51.TabVIII.3                             

                                                                                               Glyph-F[Glyph-G]                                                             Glyph-F[Glyph-G]                               


·     Distinguishing characteristic is JANAAB – either the abstract or representational (bird-head) variant.

·     Features:

o Left – HUL (or later JUL, as in YAX Lintel 10 B1):

§ An “old” variant with an oval outline composed of many dots on 3 sides with variations inside.

§ Not optional, but optionally dropped in infixing in Glyph-F.

§ If not dropped when infixing, then doesn’t infix but stays on the left.

o Right – JAN/JANAAB – either the abstract or the bird head variant:

§ See JAN/JANAAB for the 2 variants (abstract or bird head).

§ The abstract variant of JAN has either:

·       A circle of dots as border.

·       A reinforced circle with a dotted spine.

§ In K&L.p65.G3.2, there seems to be a NAL-like element above the JANAAB – this might however be an incorrectly drawn version of the abstract variant of TI’, when conflated with Glyph-F = ti’-huun.

·     The HUL and the JAN/JANAAB often but not always becomes detached from one another when Glyph-G is infixed in Glyph-F:

o Detaches: PAL ST A9, K&L.p65.G3.3 = MC.p50.G3.1, K&H.p51.TabVIII.3.

o Doesn’t detach: PAL TFC West J. B1.

·     The HUL is absent in YAX Lintel 10 B1, the bird head is the diagnostic.