CMGG entry for unen      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Translation: child of father; baby
Part of speech: Noun

Logogram spellings of unen


K&L.p25.#3.1&2&3 = 25EMC.pdfp49.1&2&3               TOK.p21.r5.c3                 BMM9.p16.r7.c4                   

UNEN                         UNEN                                                UNEN                                UNEN                                      


·    No glyphs given in K&H.


Syllabogram spellings of unen

A black and white drawing of a mayan calendar  Description automatically generated                                                                                               

K&H.p44.r1.c1      = JM.p305.#2 = Stuart-aNCFRG.p7.fig1.b.2             JM.p305.#3        =  Stuart-aNCFRG.p8.fig2.R     

yu:{2}ne                      yu:{2}ne                                                                        yu.{2}ne


·    Hamann-PiCM.p6.para1: As with other relationship terms, this is practically never found without the possessive prefix (though this is one of them: atan, ba’al, unen).