CMGG entry for "GLYPH X WITH 6+TMG"      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Translation: Glyph X with 6+TMG
Part of speech: Noun

Spellings of "GLYPH X WITH 6+TMG"


Grube-FoGX.p10.fig17k                  Grube-FoGX.p10.fig17l               Graham

= Vepretskii.pc20210103              

                                                                                                                    NAR Stela 23 F7


·    Features:

o Left: either CHAN:KAB or KAB:CHAN

o Right: KAMIS: optional initial phonetic complement ka and/or final phonetic complement si

·    Mnemonic/nickname: kab-chan-kamis