CMGG entry for ch'ab      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Translation: penance, fasting, sacrifice
Part of speech: Noun

Logogram spellings of ch'ab


K&L.p36#1                                          TOK.p16.r5.c1               BMM9.p13.r2.c2         JM.p72.#1          JM.p72.#2                MC.p162.r7.c3

CH’AB                                                   CH’AB                             CH’AB                            CH’AB                 CH’AB                        CH’AB


·    No glyphs given in K&H.

·    Features:

o CH’AB outline.

o LEM” in the top.

o Optional row of ~4 touching dots on the underside of the “LEM”.

o Optional row of touching dots or 1 to 3 broad curved bands under the CH’AB, to the right of the “thumb-like” protrusion downwards.


Syllabogram spellings of ch'ab

