CMGG entry for pat      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Translation: make, shape, form, build
Part of speech: Verb

Logogram spellings of pat


K&H.p86.#2  = K&L.p39.#2.2          BMM9.p10.r7.c1               JM.p202.#5                       JM.p203.#1                  JM.p203.#2                           

PAT                   PAT                            PAT                                       PAT                                     PAT                                PAT                                         


A cartoon of a bird  Description automatically generated                                                     A black and white drawing of a fish  Description automatically generated                                                                  A drawing of a flower  Description automatically generated

K&L.p39.#2.1                    TOK.p32.r1.c4                     BMM9.p20.r7.c2                                                        JM.p204.#4

PAT                                     PAT                                        PAT                                                                                PAT


·    Variants (2):

o Reduced – features:

§ Left: washer with bold inner circle and dotted spine (alternatively dot circle with dot in the centre).

§ Right: “wing” – curved rectangular element with curved arc long ticks on the right side, inside, each arc optionally ending in a dot.

o Full – features:

§ Top: reduced variant.

§ Bottom: boulder outline divided into a top and bottom half, slightly “turtle”-like:

·      Top: interlocking plates or ladder to an (optionally) reinforced ceiling.

·      Bottom: 2 vertical bands (the pillars of a building?), or the bottom half of turtle?