CMGG entry for kuhkay?      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide and Concordance.)

Translation: firefly
Part of speech: Noun

Logogram spellings of kuhkay?


K&L.p20.#3                   TOK.p22.r4.c2                  BMM9.p15.r6.c1                    

KUHKAY?                       KUHKAY?                          KUHKAY                                    


·     No glyphs given in K&H.

·     Pronunciation is uncertain – K&L and TOK have question marks, but not BMM9.

·     Some parallels to ha:

o KUHKAY: skull with “flames” element on the left.

o ha: skull with “asymmetric knot” element on the left.

·     Features of the skull:

o A “darkness” element as a skullcap.

o % sign on cheek or back of head.

o Large eye with dot pupil.

o 2-3 teeth, either hanging from a slightly curved m as an upper jaw, or sitting on a bone-jaw as a lower jaw.

o Optionally with “flames” emanating from the left side (replacing the knot on the left).