CMGG entry for syllabogram tu
(This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)
Variant: bifoliate
MC K&H TOK.p9.r2.c4
MC K&H JM TOK.p9.r2.c3
Graham YAX HS3 Step 1 D8 <tu.<to:k’a>>.<tu.<pa:ka>.la>
Sub-variants (2, maybe 3?) · A. Without face: · B. With “face”: o Three non-touching dots in a triangular formation. o Point of the triangle can point to either left of right, independent of whether the leaves are on the left or right: § The triangle can point in the “same” direction as the leaves, or in the opposite direction. § The most common orientation is that the triangle points in the opposite direction to the leaves, but the other way around also occurs (as seen in the JM example). · C. “Reduced face”?: o YAX HS3 Step 1 D8 has an unusual variant where there is a further non-cross-hatched area in the middle of the top of the cross-hatched area, which in turn has a short tick hanging from the middle of the top. This could in fact be the “face” variant (= with upside-down “la”-face), with the “mouth” of the face being reduced to a tick, and with the “eyes” disappearing completely. Furthermore, the “leaves” at the top are cross-hatched, which is quite unusual.
Notes · Do not confuse with si: o tu has cross-hatched area (with optional face). o si has three small non-touching dots in a row.