Stuart-NDLCP Graham Coll-1 Graham
CRN Panel 6 F5 NAR Stela 29 C2 YAX Lintel 10 C5 YAX Lintel 38 A3-B4
5.<HUUN:na> ?.? <5:HUUN:“IO”>.<IX:K’UH> 5.<HUUN:na> “IO” IX K’UH
· A known but not very commonly occurring female title. Tuszyńska-PhD.p123-124 (GT from Polish, with minor adjustments): With the "vase"-title we sometimes encounter an additional term written as /5-HUN-na/ (fig. 4.13) or in a shortened form only as the number "5", where the expression Ho' Huun can be translated as "Five Books" or "Five Bands of Paper", which does not indicate any specific connection with any deity. This title occurs with the names of seven women in six different Mayan centers (Table XVIII). // It is difficult to determine whether Ho’ Huun was a completely separate title or modifies the “vase” title. On the one hand, it is possible for two different “divine” titles to occur side by side because in the inscription on the Oval Panel in Palenque, the name Ix Sak K’uk’ occurs with two different titles: the god GI and the “vase”-title. Ho' Huun, however, is never found alone in Maya texts, but is found in all examples in conjunction with the "vase"- title. The titles /TZIHK?-K’UH-IX/ and /5-HUN-TZIHK?-K’UH IX/ could have been separate titles but referring only to two aspects of the same supernatural being. Such a suggestion would be supported by two variants of the title in the name phrase of the woman mentioned on Stela 9 from Calakmul. Unfortunately, we do not have any examples from iconography that could shed some light on the understanding of the Ho’ Huun title and its connection with a deity or other mythological figure.
· Tuszyńska-PhD.p124.pdpf125.TableXVIII indicates that the Ho’ Huun title occurs on 8 monuments. While I have been able to locate the title on some of them, I had some problems with CRN Panel 6, NAR Stela 24, and NAR Stela 29:
o On CRN Panel 6, I cannot find the “IOT” that is supposed to be always present along with the Ho’ Huun title, though the Ho’ Huun title is present at F5.
o On NAR Stela 24, I cannot find the Ho’ Huun title which is supposed to be present. There is an IOT at A5, followed by Ix Wak Jalam Chan. Is it possible that Tuszyńska read the Wak = “6” = “5” + “2 fillers” + “1” as Ho’ Huun; i.e. were the “2 fillers” and the “1” perhaps read as Huun?
o I cannot find the Ho’ Huun title which is supposed to be present in NAR Stela 29. MHD reads C1 as ho' hu'n “MHD.ZV1” = “IO” k'uhul? Ixik = ho' hu'n “IOT. But the Graham drawing I have access to (and which is given in MHD) is so eroded as to only give a very vague outline of a glyph-block consisting of perhaps two glyphs (shown in the examples above) – one on the left (slightly narrower) and one on the right (slightly wider). There doesn’t seem to be sufficient information present to read ho' hu'n “IOT” at C1. So perhaps this reading is based on another drawing which hasn’t been reproduced in MHD.