DPL HS4 Step 1 J2-K1-L1-K2
ti.3.a je.ne CH’EEN.na “PLAZA”:<NAL+la>
Schele Schele
AJ{e}.<ne:{y}OHL:la> ma:ta AJ{e}.<ne:{y}OHL:la> ma:MAT
M&G.p158.5 MHD (Graham)
PAL TI Sarcophagus Lid 34-35 PAL Bench 1 / Subterranean Throne glyph-block B
<a:je>.<ne:{y}OHL> ma:ta a.je.ne
· Meaning:
o EB.p11.pdfp1.#10: aj- tv. to awaken; to rise » ’a-je > aj‐.
o EB.p16.pdfp21.#6: ajen n. dawn (?) » ’a-je-ne > ajen “dawn (?)”.
o EB.12.pdfp17.l+1: ’a-je-ne > ajen “awakens; rises”. There is a single reference to PAL Throne 1 B, with the following footnote: The spelling ’a-je-ne may be the base for a not yet identified *’a-je-ne-ya or *ajeney, in which final -ey is a variant of -iy (e.g., compare huley to huliy). The Palenque Throne 1 spelling may have originated due to a process of regressive vowel assimilation: ajen < *ajeney < *ajaney.
· For PAL Bench 1 / Subterranean Throne MHD “objabbr = PALSUBT”, the drawing credit given in the Citations tab of MHD is Stuart-TIfTXIX.fig46a. This is, to be more precise Stuart-TIfTXIX.p73.pdfp38.fig46a, and that drawing shows glyph-blocks E-J only (the front of the throne). The same drawing of the monument is reproduced in Stuart-ACTaP.p1.fig1, with the complete hieroglyphic text, glyph-blocks A-N (the front and two sides).
· A search in MHD with “blmaya1 contains ajen” gives 10 hits, about half of which are the name Ajen Yohl (most of which, in turn, relate to the PAL ruler Ajen Yohl Mat).
o EB.p17.pdfp23.#1 gives 3 references to him (two on PAL TI ET and one on the PAL TI Sarcophagus Lid).
o EB.p17.pdfp23.#1.fn8: Tentative paraphrase of this anthroponym: “Awakens the Heart/Center of the Merganser Duck”. [Sim: Boot preferred the translation “merganser duck” rather than “cormorant” for MAT, see MAT for more information.]