CMGG entry for pakab      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Alternative readings: PAKAB TUUN
Translation: lintel
Part of speech: Noun

Logogram spellings of pakab: None known.

Syllabogram spellings of pakab

A drawing of a hamburger  Description automatically generated                                              

JM.p200.#1                     IC.p37                                Safronov

                                                                                     Phoenix (“Po”) Panel C3

pa:ka:ba                          u.<pa:ka:ba>                    u:<pa.ka>:<bu:TUUN>


·    EB.p144.pdfp149.#9 pakab n. “lintel” (no references to any inscriptions) & EB.p144.pdfp149.#11 pakab tun cn. “lintel-stone” (references to 5 inscriptions, one of which is the Phoenix (“Po”) Panel).

·    The three dictionaries derived from EB – K&H, K&L, BMM9 – omit pakab and give only pakab tun: lit. “face-down-thing stone” or “turned-over-thing stone” refers specifically to “stone lintel”. Conversely, 25EMC gives only pakab, not pakab tuun (but only in the English->Maya section, not in the Maya->English section).

·    Transcription of “lintel”:

o EB.p144.pdfp148.#11:

§ ’u-pa-ka-ba-TUN-ni-li > upakab tunil “the lintel-stone” (4 references).

§ ’u-pa-ka-bu-TUN-ni > upakab tun[il] “the lintel-stone” (1 reference, namely COL Po Panel: C3).

o MHD:

§ u-pa-ka-ba-TUUN> è upakabtuunil.

§ u-pa-ka-bu-TUUN> è upakbutuunil.

i.e. EB ignores the difference between the spellings pa-ka-ba and pa-ka-bu, but MHD does not.