Guenther-FAtA.t0:15:06 / MHD (W. Coe)
TIK Stela 1 Bz2-Az3-Bz3
Guenther-FAtA.t0:15:24 / MHD (W. Coe)
TIK Stela 5 B4-A5-B5-A6-B6-A7
<YIHK’IN:CHAN>.<K’AWIIL:la> u.<7:20> <TZ’>:li K’UH{ul}.<MUT{ul}:*AJAW> <NAHB:NAL:la>.K’INICH
Guenther-FAtA.t0:15:46 / MHD (W. Coe)
TIK Stela 16 B3-B4-C1-C2
ja.<sa:wa> <CHAN:na>.<K’AWIIL:la> K’UH{ul}.<MUT{ul}:AJAW:wa> <NAHB:NAL:la>.K’INICH
Guenther-FAtA.t0:24:07 / MHD (W. Coe)
TIK Stela 22 B6-A7-B7
Guenther-FAtA.t0:14: (W. Coe) = Guenther-FAtA.t0:06:50 (Galeev) Guenther-FAtA.t0:14:32 (W. Coe) = Guenther-FAtA.t0:06:50 (Galeev)
TIK Temple 6 B10-A11 TIK Temple 6 C9
Guenther-FAtA.t0:14:42 (W. Coe) = Guenther-FAtA.t0:06:50 (Galeev)
TIK Temple 6 E19-F19
· A title particularly common in TIK.
· Guenther-FAtA.t0:09:10-09:34: The Late Pre-Classic period, another period ending, and another reference – here very eroded – to this Sak Hix Muut bird. And we have a king of Tikal who is using a title that I’ll be referring to a lot in this presentation: Nahb Nal K’inich = “Pool Place Sun-God” may be a rough translation of it – and that was a royal title of Tikal.
· Guenther-FAtA explains that this title is very commonly found in Tikal – for men and women. [14:05] So let's go through [the monument(s)]. We're going to be looking just at this Nahb Nal K'inich title that actually shows up, to show you why Simon thought we should have a good amount of caution on this. So here in this first passage [Temple 6] – you can see there is the emblem glyph of Tikal [B10] – so this must be an early ruler of Tikal – probably a legendary one, and there is a name with just a little bit remaining at the back, telling us that this is the Nahb Nal K'inich title [A11]. On this passage – the next one in the text [still on Temple 6] – there is the Nahb Nal K'inich title [C9], probably right after the emblem glyph [D8 is almost totally eroded]. If we go to this section over here [still on Temple 6] we can see at the very end of the text (this is probably a Waywal title [F19]), and right before it there is a name that seems to be the Nahb Nal K'inich [title] [E19]. So we have a lot of Nahb Nal K'inich titles all over, and if you are ever working with the texts in Tikal, there is one hieroglyph that you want to pay a lot of attention to. [15:06] Here you can see another example – this is from Stela 1. There it is, in the name of the Lady Baby [...] in this case in fact the name is Lady Unen K'awiil [ Bz2-Az3], and she has the Nahb Nal K'inich title [Bz3]. Over here on Stela 5 you see it with Yihk'in Chan K'awiil – there is his name [B4]. It says he is the 27th successor of Yax Ehb Xook [A5-B5-A6], who is the founder. He has the emblem glyph [B6], and there's the Nahb Nal K'inich title [A7]. So [the] Nahb Nal K'inich title is ubiquitous at Tikal. Again, here just on Stela 8 we actually have two examples of it. On Stela 16, we have another example, here [C2, after Jasaw Chan K’awiil, K’uhul Mutul Ajaw].
· Guenther-FAtA explains that structurally, this title always comes after the emblem glyph. He will use this pattern to argue that the two occurrences of K’inich he’s interested in (on Panel Y and Panel Z respectively, with a very eroded glyph in the same glyph-block, immediately preceding the K’inich) are not instances of the Nahb Nal K'inich title, but instead part of Ruler 28’s name, which happens to end in K’inich. This is because these two occurrences come before the Tikal emblem glyph.
· MHD has 31 hits for “blmaya1 contains nahbnal k’inich”, including all the examples given here. The overwhelming majority are from TIK:
o 3 on ceramics.
o 28 on monuments:
§ 4 from DPL.
§ 24 from TIK.