MHD.HT2.1&2&3 M&L.p112 HT2 0703st 0703md T703
· Do not confuse this with the visually similar PAAT = “back”.
o The head of (most variants of) “PHB” resembles a penis, never cross-hatched.
o The head of (most variants of) PAAT is a semicircle, optionally cross-hatched.
· M&L.p112 HT2 lists only one example: “penis-head man”.
· The MHD Catalog lists three examples:
o MHD.HT2.1 – “penis-head man”:
§ Greatly resembles T703 – MHD.HT2.1 shows more detail (visible toes, ankle bone (lateral malleolus), more elaborate belt, more detailed penis)
§ Broadly resembles M&L.p112 HT2 – M&L.p112 HT2 has a single long curved line reinforcing the huddled figure’s back, with three vertical stacked touching dots attached to the left of the line.
o MHD.HT2.2: the head is not penis-like but rather a darkened semicircle (much more resembles PAAT).
o MHD.HT2.3: appears to be a woman
All three have the same code, HT2, and are considered to be equivalent to T703. There is no pronunciation given.
· Bonn recognizes two variants:
o A basic single body.
o The basic glyph “doubled”:
§ The two figures are back-to-back (symmetrical along a vertical axis in the middle).
§ Each of the doubled figures has the same single long curved line with three touching dots reinforcing its back.
· A search in MHD “Classic – Blocks” on “blcodes contains HT2” gives 16 hits:
o 3 of the hits are from PAL (three different monuments – PAL Palace Tablet, PAL Temple 14, PAL TFC): IX-“PHB”-AJAW which is a name/title.
o 1 of the hits are from CRC (CRC Stela 16): IX-“PHB” which is a name/title.
o The remaining 12 hits are harder to categorize.