CMGG entry for mix winkil      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide and Concordance.)

Translation: god of the underworld and sacrifice
Part of speech: Noun

Spellings of mix winkil


YAX Lintel 1 A4                YAX Lintel 3 D3                       YAX Lintel 5 A2                     YAX Lintel 7 C3                      YAX Stela 11 B6

mi<xi:WINKIL>                 mi<xi: WINKIL>                       mi<*xi:WINKIL:la>               *mi<*xi:*WINKIL>                <mi:xi>.<WINKIL>


·     Tokovinine-DPMB.p2.l+3: 'Mixnal' (the Classic Maya god of death and sacrifice).

·     Traditionally read as Mixnal, it should now be read as Mixwinkil, as the reading of WINKIL has gradually been accepted.