CMGG entry for mix winkil      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Alternative readings: MIX NAL / MIXNAL
Translation: god of the underworld and sacrifice
Part of speech: Noun

Spellings of mix winkil


Matthews             = Montgomery     = Schele                                Looper

PSD Lintel 2 A8                                    PSD Lintel 2 D1                    QRG Stela E D16b

mi.<xi:NAL?>                                                                                       <mi.xi>:<NAL/WINKIL>



YAX Lintel 1 A4               YAX Lintel 3 D3                       YAX Lintel 5 A2                    YAX Lintel 7 C3                       YAX Stela 11 A14

mi<xi:WINKIL>                mi<xi: WINKIL>                       mi<*xi:WINKIL:la>              *mi<*xi:*WINKIL>                 <mi:xi>.<WINKIL>


·    Tokovinine-DPMB.p2.l+3: 'Mixnal' (the Classic Maya god of death and sacrifice).

·    The Mathews and Schele drawings have a different glyph-block labelling convention – D1-D2 in the Schele drawing are A8-A9 in the Mathews drawing (and columns B and C are swapped, but this is not relevant for Mix Winkil).

·    Traditionally read as Mixnal, it should now be read as Mixwinkil, as the reading of WINKIL (“NAL” with a “rotated face” in the top left element) has gradually been accepted. It’s unclear to me if it’s Mixnal or Mix Winkil in  PSD Lintel 2.

·    In many/most of the PSD and YAX inscriptions, Mix Winkil follows Chan “Uhman” (specifically, PSD Lintel 2, YAX Lintel 1,  YAX Lintel 5, and YAX Stela 11). In almost all of these instances, it forms part of the extended name/title of a ruler, but in QRG Stela E, it seems to refer to the god himself.