CMGG entry for muwaan2      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Translation: Muwaan (month 15)
Part of speech: Noun

Logogram spellings of muwaan2

A red line drawing of a creature  Description automatically generated                   

MC.1                                    MHD.BT2.1&2&3                       MUWAHN



Safronov                              Stuart

Houston Panel C7               PNG Stela 3 F8

18:MUWAAN                      13.<MUWAAN:ni>


·    The 15th month of the Haab calendar.

·    Features:

o Muwaan is characterized by feathers in the mouth.

o Optional end phonetic complement ni.

·    Caution: the end phonetic complement ni also is optionally present in the 6th month of the Haab calendar – CHIKIN/XUL.

o MUWAAN is a bird head.

o CHIKIN is a mammal head.

·    MHD transliterates BT2 as MUWAHN (no distinction in 3-character code nor in the transliteration between the bird of prey and the haab month name). However:

o “bllogosyll contains muwan” yields 221 hits.

o “bllogosyll contains muwan” and “blengl contains muwan” yields 114 hits (the month name).

o “bllogosyll contains muwan” and “blengl contains muwahn” yields 67 hits (as part of a personal name/title).

o “bllogosyll contains muwan” and “blengl does not contain muwan” and “blengl does not contain muwahn” yields 10 hits (miscellaneous uncertain items).

·    The MHD Catalog has a note under BT2.1: Usually represents supernatural bird of prey, sometimes with another bird in its mouth.


Syllabogram spellings of muwaan2




·    The 15th month of the Haab calendar (syllabogram-only spelling).