CMGG entry for syllabogram jo
(This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)
Variant: boulder without bay
MC K&H JM JM TOK.p13.r1.c2
Stuart-ANVotSk.p4.fig5c CPN 19469 (disc altar)
Looper Zender&Guenter-TKoLCT.p1.fig1 Graham = KuppratApp.#2 QRG Stela I C8 TRT Monument 6 YAX Lintel 31 K5 <ch’a:<jo.ja>>.<u.K’AHK’> IX.<wa:na:<k’>> TZUTZ.<jo:ma>
· Without a bay on the bottom left of the boulder: o TUUN/ku-like outline, optionally with reinforced inner wall. o Two or three indentations on the left all and left side of floor. o Three non-touching dots in a row, diagonally; middle dot slightly larger than the other two. o (Optionally) struts from inner wall (bold in this case) to the ceiling. · QRG Stela I C8: o Has a form of jo that is quite difficult to recognize. o Not only that, but the reading order is slightly unexpected, making it slightly more difficult to work out what is written. o <ch’a:<jo.ja>>.<u.K’AHK’> needs to be read jo-ch’a-ja u-K’AHK’ è johch’aj uk’ahk’ = “it was drilled, the fire of …”.
Variant: boulder with bay
· Three-quarter circle of boulder outline, with bold inner bottom, sides, and top. · With a bay on the bottom left of the boulder. The bay faces outwards in the bottom left corner, also with reinforced wall (outer wall of bay, but inner wall of boulder). · Three non-touching dots in a triangular formation, diagonal pointing down, i.e. a “face”. · One and a half very slightly curved struts at the top. The phrase “one and a half struts” means one strut and one slightly curved line (alternatively, a single strut with one wall a bold wall.
Variant: symmetric face
MC Stuart-ANVotSk.p4.fig5d Stuart-ONojaw.p1.fig1 Dresden 6b Dresden Codex
· Nickname: “Face in Renaissance Window”. · Stuart-ONojaw.p1.fig1: A late example of the jo syllable from the Dresden Codex. · Sergei Vepretskii: o This variant was removed from some textbooks (perhaps because it is a codex glyph and from a later period). o In the Classic period, there were ceramics in codex style (=red border and crème background), but it is uncertain to what extent these were similar to the codex glyphs of the Classic period. o Note that the glyphs on ceramics are significantly different from the (later) codex glyphs – they are both different from the monumental glyphs but also different from one another.
Variant: early jo
Stuart-ANVotSk.p4.fig5a Stuart-ANVotSk.p4.fig5b
Stuart-MoTM6.p1.fig1 TRT Monument 6 O2 2TZUTZ.<jo:ma>
· That the glyph with a large spiral / scroll starting from the bottom left and occupying a large part of the centre is an early form of jo is given in Stuart-ANVotSk.fig5, supported by the word tzutzjoom written 2TZUTZ.<jo:ma>, with this variant of jo. · The earlier form has optional “horseshoes” and/or optional butterfly/bow-tie ma-like element on top.