CMGG entry for kok te'      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide and Concordance.)

Translation: trogon tree ?; turtle tree ?
Part of speech: Noun

Spellings of kok te'


Stuart                                                  Graham

CAY Altar 4 ‘C5’/‘G’                           YAX Lintel 8 B1-C1

YAX.<2ko:TE’>:<ch’o.ko>                  u.<cha:CHAN> {2}ko.<TE’:AJAW>


·       The word/phrase kokte’ occurs as part of the name of two individuals.

·       It is difficult to know if this should be classed as a nature term or a toponym.

·       There are two listings for kok in EB:

o EB.p97.pdfp102.#5: kok (1) = “turtle”.

§ This is quite reasonable – it’s probably the graphic origin of syllabogram ko.

§ Kaufman-APMED.p635.pdfp635.#1:

·       EpM <ko-ko> /kok/ [V length unclear] small turtle

·       CHL kok s tortuga chica

·       TZO #coc s tortuga

·       TZEs ko*kis s tortuga

·       AWA kok s tortuga

·       IXL kok tortuga

·       KCH kok s tortuga

·       KCHn kok tortuga

·       KCHq kok tortuga

·       KCHc kook tortuga

·       TZU kok tortuga

·       KAQc ko"k tortuga

·       KAQi kok tortuga

·       PQMp kok tortuga

·       PQMj kok tortuga

·       PCH kok s tortuga

·       PCH kok tortuga

·       QEQ kok tortuga

·       QEQw kok s tortuga

·       QEQc&l kok tortuga

o EB.p97.pdfp102.#6: kok (2) = “trogon?”.

§ It’s unclear how this meaning was arrived at. EB gives a reference to CPN HS Step, but I have not been able to locate a drawing of this inscription.

§ There is no entry in Kaufman-APMED for “trogon”.

·       In connection with te’ = “tree”, the meaning “trogon” (a colourful, medium-sized bird) is perhaps more appropriate, so perhaps:

o Yax Kokte’ Ch’ok = “First/Blue-Green Trogon-Tree Youth”.

o Ucha’an Kokte’ Ajaw = “The Captor of the Lord of Trogon-Tree”.