CMGG entry for ti'      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide and Concordance.)

Translation: mouth
Part of speech: Noun

Logogram spellings of ti'


K&L.p24.#7.9-14                                                                       TOK.p10.r2.c4                  BMM9.p11.r1.c1                   

TI’                                                                                                TI’                                        TI’                                             



K&L.p24.#7.1-8                                                                                       TOK.p21.r2.c1                          BMM9.p15.r1.c1                          BMM9.p17.r1.c1                           

TI’                                                                                                               TI’                                              TI’                                                    TI’                                                    



                                                                                                                   TOK.p32.r5.c3                         BMM9.p21.r2.c3

                                                                                                                   TI’                                              TI’


·     No glyphs given in K&H.

·     Variants (3):

o A. Abstract / rectangular / 3-component – features:

§ Left: cave-like element with 3 to 5 very small dots going from bottom left to top right.

§ Middle: 2 – 3 dots stacked vertically, tending slightly towards to right as they go up, last dot can be a leaf (similar to the middle element of the 3-component ya).

§ Right: bloated crescent with tips pointing down (or right bold feeler) – optionally with reinforcement of spine.

o B. Representational / human head:

§ Largish nose.

§ Open mouth with thick lips (optionally reinforced or bolded).

§ Partitive disk in bottom right corner.

§ The 3-component variant can optionally also appear above or infixed into the human head, in particular the far-left element of the three.

Note that BMM9.p15.r1.c1 is quite an aberrant variant – it doesn’t have the open mouth with thick lips of the others, but instead has two scrolls (which the others don’t have). Furthermore, it has a very large, squarish, cross-hatched eye and what might be a cruller under and to the right of the eye. TOK.p21.r2.c1 is also aberrant (but less than BMM9.p17.r1.c1) – it doesn’t have any elements of the reduced variant at the top of the head. This is however also known from K&L.p24.#7.6-8, and from BMM9.p17.r1.c1.

o C. Stylized-face:

§ Above: two feelers with protectors.

§ Below: stylize face:

·       Top half: three non-touching dots in a triangular formation, with the triangle pointing up (“upside-down face”), the top dot touching the ceiling.

·       Bottom half: resembles the bottom half of HAAB.

This variant forms (in combination with an old variant of HUL) one of the variants of Glyph-G2 of the Supplementary series.