CMGG entry for syllabogram te      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Variant: boulder


MC                           K&H                         JM                               TOK.p15.r1.c2




Sub-variants (3)

·    A. Round boulder:

o Semi-circular arc dividing boulder into a top and bottom half – bottom half ~ CV washer.

o 2 touching dots attached to the upper side of the arc, in the middle.

o In top half, on the inside:

§ 2 ticks on the middle of the left wall.

§ 2 ticks on the middle of the ceiling.

§ 2 ticks on the middle of the right wall.

·    B. Flint: same as round boulder form, but flatter.

·    C. “Cave”:

o Rectangular boulder with bold top half of left wall, ceiling, and entire right wall.

o Slightly curved vertical line, bulging to the right, dividing the inside into roughly two halves.

o Two vertical touching dots halfway up the vertical line, on the right side.



·    Do not confuse the boulder-variant of te with the flint variant of su as they both have “whiskers” (short ticks):

o te has “whiskers” in the top half only (at 9 o’clock, 12 o’clock, and 3 o’clock on the perimeter of the boulder outline), whereas su has “whiskers” at both the extremities of the flint outline.

o te has only two “whiskers” wherever there are “whiskers”, whereas su has three or more “whiskers”.

Also, te has a tendency to have a boulder outline, whereas su has a tendency to have a flint outline (though there are sub-variants of su with a boulder outline as well).

·    Do not confuse the boulder-variant of te with lo:

o te has “whiskers” in the top half (at 9 o’clock, 12 o’clock, and 3 o’clock on the perimeter of the boulder outline)

o lo has no “whiskers” at all.


Variant: wood



·    This is actually just TE’ used acrophonically.