Martin-AMP.p398.pdfp442.r4.c1 Mathews = Bíró-TCMWR.p239.pdfp255.fig233c Bíró-TCMWR.p239.pdfp255.fig233b
TNA Monument 159 G5
K’UH{ul}.<<[po]mo>:AJAW>.yo AJ.<<[po]mo>:yo> K’UH{ul}.<<[po]mo>:AJAW>.yo
Bíró-TCMWR.p239.pdfp255.fig233c Bíró-TCMWR.p240.pdfp256.col1.fig234
Looted Stela
AJ.<<[<po?/pa?>]mo>.yo> IX.<<<[po]mo>.yo>:AJAW>
· Known from a captive from Pomoy, recorded on TNA Monument 159.
· TNA Monument 159: There is a Mathews drawing in Coll-1 with filename Monument 175, labelled as Monument 175 on the drawing itself. This matches a photograph from the Peabody site listed under Monument 159. MHD also refers to it as Monument 159.
· It’s not known where this site is. It’s not been given a 3-character site code – it can’t be found on the Bonn site, nor on the other lists of site codes on the internet.
· Martin-AMP.p398.pdfp442.r4.c1 is probably the same as Bíró-TCMWR.p239.pdfp255.fig33b.
· Bíró-TCMWR.p238.pdfp254.col1.para2.l-6: Pomoy is still an unidentified minor site whose only known ruler is B’alun K’awil whose yajaw k’ahk’ uchan aj chij was captured by Ruler 8 in 789 and was represented/mentioned on four separate monuments (see Monuments 20, 108, 152, and 159; Figure 233; Martin n.d.a; Zender 2004c:275-279).
· Bíró-TCMWR.p238.pdfp254.col1.para3: Pomoy had probably a friendly or subordinate relationship with Palenque as another looted monument from the site (probably coming from a period of 700-750; Figure 234) representing Ix Ok Ahin ix pomoy ajaw …