CMGG entry for glyph-f      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Alternative readings: TI' HUUN
Translation: Glyph-F – part of the SS
Part of speech: Noun

Spellings of glyph-f

·    Glyph-F forms one of the standard components of the SS.

·    It is a standard, “ formulaic” phrase and its meaning is not entirely clear. It is sometimes translated as “the edge of the book” (whatever that means).

·    Sources:

o K&H doesn’t give examples of Glyph-F.

o MC examples are a strict subset of K&L – the first 5, identical, and in exactly the same order.

o K&L has human head and full-figure variants as well.

o TMHW.pdfp432.F gives 11 examples.


·    Variation:

o The variants are listed roughly the order of “intuitiveness” or “appropriateness” of the element for writing the word HUUN (which is obviously a very subjective ranking).

o There is also variation in the form of TI’: either the long rectangular, 3-element variant or the head variant.

o The na – as a phonetic complement – is of course optional. When present, there is further variation in its form: either the basic syllabogram na, or the head variant.

o Initial u:

§ The two examples from the Randel Stela have an u at the start and a li at the end.

§ DPL Stela 5 N1 and YAX Stela 6 A7 have an u at the start but no li at the end.

This is rare but not strange, because the full phrase is u-ti’-huun-il, but -il can always be underspelled.


·    There are 6 variants of HUUN in the context of Glyph-F:

o A. Knot – one of the most common variants.

o B. Book.

o C. hu – the rotated head of an Iguana – this is a syllabogram-only spelling hu-na.

o D. “WINIK” (nevertheless read as HUUN). WINIK pronounced HUUN in a non-SS context:





o E. “Jester God”.

o F. “TZ’IKIN” / bird head.




K&L.p66.#1.1                   Gronemeyer-GGF.p12.pdfp12.fig11.f                 Gronemeyer-GGF.p12.pdfp12.fig11.l = TMHW.pdfp432.F.59                  

                                           PNG Stela 1 A9                                                        YAX Lintel 48 D7                                                                                   

TI’:HUUN:na                     TI’:HUUN:na                                                            TI’:HUUN:na                                                                                           



TMHW.pdfp432.F.60 = Coll-1 (Stuart)                    TMHW.pdfp432.F.61                    TMHW.pdfp432.F.64 = MHD (Tokovinine)                   

PNG Stela 25 A10                                                        PAL Stela 1 A6b                             YAX Stela 11 O1b        YAX Stela 11 N1b

TI’:HUUN:na                                                                 TI’:HUUN:na                                  TI’:HUUN:na                 Glyph-G9.<TI’:HUUN:na >                



TMHW.pdfp432.F.66 = Graham

NAR Stela 13 E5





Martin                            Martin                                       

Randel Stela A7            Randel Stela C2                        

u.<TI’:HUUN:li>            u.<TI’:HUUN:li>                        



K&L.p66.#1.7 = Gronemeyer-GGF.p12.pdfp12.fig11.b                 Gronemeyer-GGF.p12.pdfp12.fig11.h = TMHW.pdfp432.F.68                    TMHW.pdfp432.F.63

CPN Stela A B5                                                                                      QRG Stela K B5                                                                                                     CPN Stela 1 B5b

TI’:HUUN:na                                                                                          HUUN.<<“po”?.TI’>:na>                                                                                      TI’:HUUN:na



K&L.p66.#1.10 = Gronemeyer-GGF.p12.pdpf12.fig11.i                                   K&L.p66.#1.8 = Gronemeyer-GGF.p12.pdpf12.fig11.c

                               Site Q P. 4 A4                                                                            DPL Stela 5 N1

TI’.HUUN                                                                                                                  <u:TI’>.<HUUN:na> 



K&L.p66.#1.6 = Gronemeyer-GGF.p12.pdpf12.fig11.a          

CPN HS Date 24                                      



·    The knot variant: it can be an asymmetric or a symmetric knot, but asymmetric seems more common.

·    YAX Lintel 48 D7 seems to have a k’i as the first of the 3-element component at the top.

·    QRG Stela K B5 seems to have an additional “po” in the top left of B5b. Also, the two flanking elements of the TI’ are crescents (with tips pointing down), making it resemble a ya, but from context it is clearly a TI’.

·    K&L.p66.#1.10

o Head variant of TI’ (normally, the abstract 3-component variant) – the head incorporates some of the “reduced” elements of the more abstract form inside, at the top (the three small elements at the top of the more common TI’ variant).

o The HUUN is vertical, coming after the TI’.

·    In CPN HS Date 24, the main sign is the full-figure variant of na, i.e., the phonetically least significant part of the spelling of ti’ huun is the largest and most elaborate glyph in the glyph-block.

·    The glyph-block reference given by TMHW.pdfp432.F.64 is YAX Stela 11 O1b, but MHD shows this as YAX Stela 11 N1b. This might be a typo on the part ot TMHW, or simply a slightly different system of glyph-block labelling. In any case, these two drawings are probably of the same glyph-block on the same monument.




K&L.p66.#1.5                    TMHW.pdfp432.F.58           Gronemeyer-GGF.p12.pdpf12.fig11.d

                                            PAL House E Fresco              DPL Stela 8 B6                            

TI’:HUUN:na                      TI’:HUUN:na                          {ti’}


·    The book variant.

·    In DPL Stela 8 B6, the TI’ has been omitted: this is rare, but possibly also in K&L.p66.#1.9 = Gronemeyer-GGF.p12.pdpf12.fig11.k (the “book” glyph could be read as TI’ (e.g. TLA Stela B A7), but probably not in this case, because we have a na phonetic complement); Sim: include Fig12 examples in this document




K&L.p66.#1.3                         Gronemeyer-GGF.p12.pdpf12.fig11.e                 Gronemeyer-GGF.p12.pdpf12.fig11.j                  TMHW.pdfp432.F.62

                                                 PAL OLV Pil A B4                                                      YAX Lintel 26 Front E1b                                           YAX Lintel 56 D2b

TI’:hu:na                                 TI’:hu:na                                                                    TI’:hu:na                                                                     TI’:hu:na                                                      


·    The iguana/hu variant.

·    OLV is not Oval; it is an abbreviation which is also mentioned in Emeric’s Texas Note 29 Lunar Series Achieves 100% Correlation – p21. Coll-1, PAL-folder, there is PAL_Olvidado.JPG, olvidado means “forgotten”.




K&L.p66.#1.4                 PAL Stela 3 A5

TI’:HUUN:na                  TI’.<HUUN:na>                            


·    The “WINIK”-variant.

·    PAL Stela 3 A5 has a head variant of TI’.




K&L.p66.#1.2                      JM

                                              CAY DO Wall Panel B6

TI’:HUUN:na                       TI’:<>


·    The Jester God variant (check that CAY example is indeed the Jester God, it could be the bird-head variant).




Bojkowska (EMC workbook)          Gronemeyer-GGF.p12.pdpf12.fig11.g          K&L.p66.#1.9 = Gronemeyer-GGF.p12.pdpf12.fig11.k      Coll-1

CAY Altar 4 O                                    QRG Stela A B6b                                               YAX Lintel 46 B3                                                                       YAX Stela 6 A7

TI’:HUUN                                           TI’:HUUN:na                                                      [TI’?]HUUN:na                                                                          u.<TI’:HUUN:na>



MHD (Graham)                                        TMHW.pdfp432.F.65                   TMHW.pdfp432.F.67        = Coll-1 (Looper)

YAX Lintel 10 B1                                      CPN Stela N A9                              QRG Stela F C6b  / A6b    QRG Stela F C6 / A6

<Glyph-G3>.<TI’:HUUN:na>                  <TI’:HUUN>.na                              TI’:HUUN                            Glyph-G9.<TI’:HUUN>


·    The TZ’IKIN/bird-head (with infixed CH’AB) variant.

·    There appears to be a tendency for a “cruller” to appear in connection with the eye of the bird.