K&L.p65.G1.1 = MC.p50.G1.1 K&L.p65.G1.3 K&H.p51.TabVIII.1 Gronemeyer-GGF.p4.pdfp4.fig2.a&b&c
K&L.p65.G1.2 = MC.p50.G1.2 Gronemeyer-GGF.p4.pdfp4.fig2.d&f
Phoenix “Po” Panel A5
· Distinguishing characteristic: “9” + varying main sign (but this “9” is shared with Glyph-G6).
o It can be on the left or on top of the main sign.
· Variants (2) of main sign – both variants can be associated with “9” and “grasping”:
o A. CH’AM-K’UH:
o B. TZAK.