TOK.p18.r1.c3 MHD.SG5.1&2 1718st
Polyukhovych Polyukhovych Lakambalam
CNC Panel 1 M4-N4 CNC Panel 1 O9-P9 CNC Panel 3 D4-E4 / ‘C4’-‘D4’
taj{al}.<[CHAN]AHK:na> AJ.<CHAK:JU’?:TE’> taj{al}.<[CHAN]AHK:na> AJ.<CHAK:JU’?:TE’> taj{al}.<[CHAN]AHK:na> AJ.<CHAK:JU’?:TE’>
MHD (Luin)
CNC Panel 3 F5-F6 (MHD) / H5-H6 (Barrientos-PhD.p741.pdfp773.fig11.61)
u.<*BAAH:che>.*bu AJ.<*CHAK:*JU’?:*TE’>
YAX Lintel 10 D3a-D3b
· No glyphs given in K&H, K&L, BMM9, 25EMC – i.e. TOK is the only one of the standard references listing this logogram.
· The two ovalish elements (top and right) are very suggestive of one of the (rarer) variants of syllabogram u, but JU’ does not have any cross-hatched areas on the face, present in that variant of u.
· Reading: TOK (2017) has JU? while both MHD and Bonn have JU. This which might imply that confidence in the JU reading has grown in the course of time.
· Meaning: unknown.
· Known (to me) only from occurrences on:
o CNC Panel 1: the name of one of the rulers (Tajal Chan Ahk, Aj Chak Ju’ Te’).
o CNC Panel 3: the carver of the monument was the Baah Che’b (“Head Scribe”) of Aj Chak Ju’ Te’.
o YAX Lintel 10: one of the additional names/titles of the last ruler: K’inich Tatbu Jolom IV.