CMGG entry for chitin      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Translation: kiln?; sanctuary?
Part of speech: Noun

Logogram spellings of chitin: None known.

Syllabogram spellings of chitin


Greene                                        Greene

PAL TFC M2/F2                          PAL TFC O8/H8

u.<<>:ti:ni>                         u.<<>:ti:ni>


·    Transliteration/transcription: there seems to be a consensus that <u.<<>:ti:ni>> èuchitinil.

·    Meaning in textbooks and reference works varies slightly:

o EB.p223.pdfp228.: kiln chitin, pib nah.

o EB.p225.pdfp230: oven chitin, pib nah.

o But EB.p53.pdfp58: chitin n. oven; sweat-bath.

o K&H.p102.pdfp104: chi-ti-ni chitin n “oven, stove” or possibly “kiln”; seen kun.

o MHD gives “sanctuary” for the two instances given as examples here: PAL TFC M2/F2 and PAL TFC O8/H8, citing Polityko-dynastychna Istoriya Derzhavy Maya Baakal' za Materialamy Korpusu Epigrafichnykh Dzherel Palenke (Polyukhovych, 2012) – a paper I haven’t yet managed to get hold of.

·    Both of the examples from PAL TFC come directly after puluy = “burn”, so the “kiln” meaning is not entirely implausible.