CMGG entry for ha'      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide and Concordance.)

Translation: water
Part of speech: Noun

Logogram spellings of ha'


K&H.p82.#4                   TOK.p14.r3.c3                    BMM9.p11.r6.c2              JM.p109.#5                   JM.p110.#1

HA’                                  HA’                                       HA’                                      HA’                                 HA’



K&L.p8.#1                                                                                                TOK.p28.r3.c1              JM.p110.#2

HA’                                                                                                            HA’ / WITZ’                   HA’


·     The printed edition of JM has these listed under j-, but the online edition has moved them to h- in accordance with later insights.

·     Variants (2):

o A. Boulder – a vertically elongated boulder outline with:

§ Top: cross-hatched circle.

§ Optional (often present) “dot necklace” immediately below the circle and encircling it from below.

§ Bottom: “(double) blades of grass”.

§ Optional arc of touching dots along the bottom, outside of the boulder outline, larger dots than in the case of the “dot necklace”.

Do not confuse this variant of HA’ with the abstract sub-variant of ba:

§ HA’ as an infixed cross-hatched circle.

§ ba has an infixed (round) “LEM”-like element.

Part of the confusion arises because the dot necklace and the (double) blades of grass are common between the two of them.

o B. Monster – features:

§ Boulder variant with monster head underneath.