CMGG entry for "3R"      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Translation: “three rocks”
Part of speech: Noun

Logogram spellings of "3R"


TOK.p36.r5.c3                   MHD.ZC9.1&2                               1770st                                 Polyukhovych                  Polyukhovych                        

                                                                                                                                                  CNC Panel 1 N10             CNC Panel 1 P6

?                                           -                                                       -                                            ?                                         CHAK.?


·    Do not confuse “THREE-ROCKS” with the visually similar TZIM? = “hearthstones” – see Hearthstones / Three Hearthstones. “THREE-ROCKS” has no “flames” flanking the top rock, whereas “hearthstones” does. (The “flames” might also be foliage.).

·    Gronemeyer-LoTiMHW.p100.fig11b reads this as ku:pi è kup, making CNC Panel 1 P6 into a place-name (Ho’ Jan Witz) Chak Kup.

·    Given the existence of the TZIM? logogram, I’m inclined to think this one too is a logogram (with an independent reading), rather than a two-syllabogram spelling of kup. [There is another source (lost reference) which reads it as uhx tuun, which strikes me as even more unlikely as this is a principle for writing words which is not known anywhere else in the corpus (writing a particular logogram <N> times, and then reading is as <N> <logogram-reading>.]