CMGG entry for xib      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide and Concordance.)

Translation: young man
Part of speech: Noun

Logogram spellings of xib


K&L.p23.#4.1&2                                            TOK.p23.r1.c1                  BMM9.p14.r2.c4               25EMC.pdfp51.#7.1&2         

XIB                                                                    XIB                                     XIB                                        XIB                                            


·     No glyphs given in K&H.

·     There two listings for xib in EB.p203.pdfp208.#9&#10 referencing the Dresden Codex, but I have been unable to locate them as I don’t understand the referencing system (63, 22C-2,3) used:

o EB.p203.pdfp208.#9: xib (1) n. “young man” XIB-bi > xib Dresden 63.

o EB.p203.pdfp208.#10: xib (2) n. “fear, fright” xi-bi > xib Dresden 22C-2,3.

·     K&L.p23.#4.1&2 could be based on the logogram XIB listed in EB as being on Dresden 63 (the other example glyphs don’t look like Codex glyphs, so probably isn’t one of the two referenced in EB).

·     The common meaning for XIB is “young man”, and the connection to the meaning “fear” is unclear.