CMGG entry for mayij      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Translation: gifting (blood sacrifice)
Part of speech: Noun

Logogram spellings of mayij: None known.

Syllabogram spellings of mayij


Graham                    = AT-YT2021-lecture21.t0:34:43 = AT-YT2021-lecture21.t0:34:43 = Coll-1  

NAR Stela 24 D2



·    This is actually MAY-yi{j} with MAY = “deer hoof” used as a rebus, rather than actually being the logogram for MAY. As such, it should probably be classed under the “syllabogram spellings”, as the MAY is here serving only for its sound value rather than its meaning.

·    ti k’al mayij = “at (the act of) gifting”.

·    Meaning given in both directions in EB:

o English->Maya: EB.p221.pdfp226.#7 gift mayij, sih, sihaj.

o Maya->English: mayij n. gift.

·    NAR Stela 24 D2 is quite badly eroded:

o The reading and translation come from AT-YT2021-lecture21.t0:34:43.

o In this same lecture, an additional drawing (re-drawn) and photo of D2 is provided. The drawing shows much better than the Graham drawing why the glyph-block is read as MAY. There is a photograph in Coll-1, but it doesn’t help the reading – the photo provided in the lecture is slightly better for this.




Wooden Box                                                   

yo.<OTOOT:ti> u.<ma:<yi.ji>>                     


·    This is the pure syllabogram-only spelling: yotoot umayij <X> = “(the) container of/for (the) gift(ing) of” <X>.