M&G.p72.box Gronemeyer-LoTiMHW.p91.fig3k
YXH Stela 2 B1 (Schele)
YAX.a{‘} YAX.a{‘}
· Literally YAX + HA’ = “blue/green water”.
· The -h- is dropped due to normal phonological processes in Classic Maya and a final glottal stop is often not written, so it’s often written YAX-a (in glyphs).
· The English version of the site name is often written Yaxha, without the final glottal stop, but I try to consistently write Yaxha’, in acknowledgement of its etymology. I’m inconsistent in that I write the etymological -h- in Yaxha’ but not in K’ina’, but this is really to reflect common usage, which also has this inconsistency.