CMGG entry for us2      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Translation: vulture
Part of speech: Noun

Syllabogram spellings of us2

A black and white image of a logo  Description automatically generated



·    EB.p187.pdfp192.#3: ’u-su > us “vulture” giving as reference COL LC Vase.

·    Zender-TMMD.p5.c1.l-10 describes the Late Classic cylindrical vase shown in Zender-TMMD.p5.fig1.r2 (probably the same as EB’s reference). The iconography depicts three “anthropomorphized” animals – a dog, an opossum, and a vulture (recognizable from the distinctive hook at the end of its beak). Each has tagging glyphs, respectively:, u.chu, and From the last animal, we get us = “vulture”.

·    It’s unclear to me whether it’s just a shorter form of usiij, or a different word.