CMGG entry for glyph-c3      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Alternative readings: JGU / CHUWAJ
Translation: Glyph-C3
Part of speech: Noun

Spellings of glyph-c3


25EMC-BHB.pdfp12.r3.c1                   25EMC-BHB.pdfp12.r4.c1                   

u.<<NAH?.JGU.UH>:K’AL>                 u.<<<2:JGU>.UH>:K’AL>                      



25EMC-BHB.pdfp12.r3.c2                  25EMC-BHB.pdfp12.r5.c1 = MC.p52

4.<<JGU.UH>:K’AL:li>                          3.<<JGU.UH>:K’AL>




Phoenix ('Po') Panel C1                                                  




Graham                                        Stuart-TIfTXIX.p88.pdfp89.fig61 (Stuart)                  Stuart-TPM.p

NAR Stela 24 B6                          PAL Temple 19 Platform - South Side                       PAL TFC B10

NAH:<JGU:K’AL>.UH                  <u:2>.<JGU:K’AL>.UH                                                   5.<JGU.UH>:K’AL




CPN Stela 10 A6                      



·    Quite often, only the eye of the JGU is shown, as in 25EMC-BHB.pdfp12.r3.c2, 25EMC-BHB.pdfp12.r5.c1 = MC.p52.

·    CPN Stela 10 A6 has an unusual form of K’AL (in an unusual position). Recognized as such by MHD, with code MHD.AX3.