CMGG entry for syllabogram o      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Variant: feather


MC                     K&H = JM                TOK.p6.r6.c4



MC                         JM                          K&H







Sub-variants (2)

·    A. Symmetric: spine down the centre with curved ticks on both sides:

o Spine is usually a row of non-touching dots, but can be a single band.

o Ticks may be missing.

o Always ends in cross-hatched circle.

·    B. Asymmetric:

o Spine is usually a row of non-touching dots but can be absent.

o Ticks on one side only.

o Always ends in cross-hatched circle.


·    Optionally, a circle at the opposite end from the cross-hatched circle:

o Can be a plain circle within the main part.

o Can be an external circle with is a circle of very small (touching) dots, with a small dot in the centre.

·    Later forms can have a small protrusion at the “cross-hatched” end (though the cross-hatching may be absent) – ceramic form?


Variant: bird head


MC / K&H                     SJ                              JM                               TOK.p26.r3.c2


·    A feather on each side of the head

·    Optionally, cross-hatched protector above the eye (bold outline)

·    Waves on bottom right (a series of curved, parallel ticks)