CMGG entry for miin?      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Translation: square-nosed beastie, “SNB”
Part of speech: Noun

Logogram spellings of miin?


TOK.p29.r3.c2                        T1021a  T1021b                                       TMHW.pdfp436.r8.c3.#59                       MHD.AB8.1&2&3

?                                                -                                                                  -                                                                    min?



TMHW.pdfp408.r2.#11&#12&#13                                                       TMHW.pdfp408.r3.#14&#15&#16

-                                                                                                                   -



HelmkeEtAl-KotE.p128.fig12e                               HelmkeEtAl-KotE.p128.fig12f                                      Tokovinine-PfaP.p101.c1.fig5d

ALH Incised Ceramic Bowl RP595/161                 ALH Petkanche Ceramic Vase RP595/56                    CPN Stela B D1

SNB?.?                                                                        ko?.SNB                                                                            4.SNB.<CHAN:na>



HelmkeEtAl-KotE.p128.fig12b            = Tokovinine&Fialko-St45oN.p10.fig14b                    HelmkeEtAl-KotE.p128.fig12a                  WagnerEtAl-TNNT (Gronemeyer)

NAR Altar 1 F2                                       NAR Altar 1 F2                                                                 NAR Stela 24 B17                                        PAL TS D6

<IHK’.SNB>.AJAW                                  <IHK’.SNB>.AJAW                                                           IHK’?.SNB                                                     SNB.<TI?.?>



HelmkeEtAl-KotE.p128.fig12c   = Coll-1

TIK Temple IV Lintel 2 A10         TIK Temple IV Lintel 2 B8-A10

K’UH{ul}.[IHK’]SNB                      “Starwar” 6.<KAB:NAL:la> tu.<*CH’EEN> K’UH{ul}.SNB







Dumbarton Oaks Unprovenanced Wall Panel                YAX – Lintel 56

ISIG[SNB]                                                                                ISIG[SNB]                       


·    No glyphs given in K&H, K&L, BMM9, 25EMC.

·    Bonn doesn’t seem to have provided a code for this glyph (surely impossible, and perhaps I’ve just missed seeing it).

·    Tokovinine&Fialko-St45oN.p7-8 is where the reading miin for the SNB is suggested. BeliaevEtAl-PAEdPF3.p121 supports this reading with MIIN? for NAR Stela 24 B17.

·    The glyph has been given the nickname “Square-Nosed Beastie” (SNB) because of the distinctive squarish-curved shape to the left of the “face”. It seems more like the upper lip of the creature than its nose to me, but perhaps “Square Upper-lipped Beastie” would have been too cumbersome (or perhaps they didn’t realize that it wasn't the nose at the time, or I may just be wrong). The nickname is historical and has stuck.

·    The SNB also had the nickname “Zip monster” because Zip is the old spelling for the Haab-month nowadays written Sip, and the SNB was the patron of the month Sip as infixed into the ISIG (to match the Haab-month of the LC date of the opening event of the inscription). That is also the reason for including ISIG examples above.

·    All the examples given above are related to SNB, but they are not all simply SNB. Here are some features of all these glyphs:

o The S-shaped mouth-and-nose (upper lip?) is the defining characteristic.

o In the upper loop of the S is often a monster-head, and in the lower loop often the teeth, e.g. TOK.p29.r3.c2.

o In the lower loop of the S is optionally an infixed K’AL, e.g. NAR Altar 1 F2, NAR Stela 24 B17. There can also be an infixed CH’ICH’, instead of the K’AL (see Glyph-X elsewhere).

o In one instance, the eye and face in the top right resembles a “CHUWEN”, NAR Stela 24 B17.

o In one instance, the monster head is topped by a TI’, PAL TS D6.

·    The variant of Glyph-X which goes with 3+JGU or 4+JGU in the SS is also a form of SNB.

o 3+JGU: SNB with CH’ICH infixed into the bottom.

o 4+JGU: SNB with CH’ICH infixed into the top (or the whole glyph is upside-down?).

·    There is a lack of clarity as to whether the nickname “SNB“ applies purely to the zoomorphic head with the S-shaped mouth-and-nose, or whether it includes the K’AL – i.e. is the K’AL read in addition to MIIN? Equally unclear (to me) is the reading when CH’ICH’ occupies the place of the K’AL (when writing some of the forms of Glyph-X).

·    Tokovinine-PfaP.p101.pdfp19.c2.para3: The second place on the back of [CPN] Stela B is Chan [T1021] chan, literally “four Square-Nosed Beastie(s) sky (or skies).” This place name re-appears on the nearby Stela A. [Sim: MHD transliterates CPN Stela B D1 as 4.MIIN?:<CHAN:na>. All instances of MHD.AB8 in the database have min? for bllogosyll, so the question mark indicates uncertainty that the glyph is read MIIN rather than uncertainty that the glyph at D1 is SNB; i.e. both Tokovinine and MHD believe that a SNB is present at CPN Stela B D1. However, I am unable to find the same combination of glyphs in CPN Stela A – both in the Linda Schele drawings and in the MHD. Tokovinine seems pretty sure of this, as he goes on to explain that CPN Stela A has four instances of the 4-<something>-CHAN: The inscription mentions four supernatural place names (Chan Te' Chan, Chan [T1021] Chan, Chan Ni' Chan, And Chan May Chan), ….]

·    The SNB is a Classic Maya Deity. There are at least four distinct contexts in which the SNB glyph appears:

o Infixed in the ISIG as the patron of the HAAB month, when the month corresponding to the LC of the Initial Series is SIP (see ISIG for more information).

o As the form of Glyph-X for 2 of the 6 lunations governed by JGU (see Glyph-X for more information).

o As Ihk’ Miin, the name of the mythical founder of the NAR dynasty (see Ihk’ Miin for more information).

o In theonyms – when rulers have the name of this deity as part of their name/title.

·    MHD Statistics (2024-02-27):

o “blcodes contains AB8”: 91 hits.

o “blcodes contains AB8” and “blsem contains ISIG”: 16 hits.

o “blcodes contains AB8” and “blsem contains Glyph X”: 25 hits.

o “blcodes contains AB8” and “blmaya1 contains IHK’ MIN”: 6 hits.

o “blcodes contains AB8” and “blsem contains name” and “blmaya1 does not contain IHK’ MIN”: 30 hits.

o None of the above: 14 hits (no discernible additional category emerges from looking at these hits).