Safronov Stuart Graham
BPK Sculptured Stone 5 H3 PNG Panel 2 F’2 YAX Lintel 44
AJ.<SAK:la:<>> AJ SAK.<la:<*la.*ka>> AJ:SAK:la:<>
· MHD labels the Bonampak monument as BPKSS05 “Bonampak Sculptured Stone 5” whereas Beliaev&Safronov-SAaX.slide#13 labels it as Bonampak Ssc.4.
· Beliaev&Safronov-SAaX.slide#13&26 (2009) glosses Sak Lakal as “Place of White Grasshoppers”, but I haven’t been able to find any other reference to lakal as meaning “grasshopper”:
o A Google search on "lakal" "grasshopper" "maya" does not yield any useful hits.
o Matthew Looper does not know of any papers discussing this [personal communication February 2023].
o Asked Sergei Vepretskii [September 2023].
· Sak Lakal appears in (at least) three inscriptions:
o BPK Sculptured Stone 5: someone from Sak Lakal ordered a visit to Nahb Huk’.
o PNG Panel 2: a young vassal lord from Sak Lakal knelt in a ko’haw ritual performed by the ruler of PNG.
o YAX Lintel 44: someone from Sak Lakal was captured by Yaxuun Bahlam III.
· MHD gives 6 hits for the search “blengl contains sak lakal”, among which the three above.
· I think Tokovinine – in one of his lectures – also translates lakal as “grasshopper”, but I don’t have the exact reference, nor am I sure if it was in the context of Aj Sak Lakal.