CMGG entry for k'ahk'      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide and Concordance.)

Translation: fire
Part of speech: Noun

Logogram spellings of k'ahk'


K&H.p83.#9                      K&L.p9.#1

K’AK’                                  K’AK’



TOK.p32.r3.c2               BMM9.p20.r4.c3          

K’AHK’                            K’AK’                               



K&L.p9.#1                                                                                                                     TOK.p7.r6.c3                         BMM9.p10.r4.c3         

K’AK’                                                                                                                              K’AHK’                                    K’AK’                               



JM.p143.#1                      JM.p143.#2                      JM.p143.#3                             JM.p143.#5

K’AK’                                  K’AK’                                 k’a.K’AK’                                  K’AK’:k’a



K&L.p9.#1                                                    TOK.p28.r4.c3                    BMM9.p15.r6.c2            Grube-WwH.p171.fig5.d

K’AK’                                                              K’AHK’                                 K’AK’                                 K’AHK’


·     Variants (3):

o A. Full: “flames” above, boulder below.

o B. Reduced: “flames” only.

o C. Animal head: full variant with serpent monster head below:

§ Do not confuse this with the visually similar aquatic monster / Waterlily Serpent WITZ’ – this one has a full variant K’AHK’ on top, with a monster head underneath whereas WITZ’ has HA’ “water” on top, with a monster head underneath.

§ Note that the heads on the bottom are reasonably similar, but the connection between the two is unclear.