CMGG entry for "{YUK}MULUK"      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide and Concordance.)

Translation: Muluk (day 9)
Part of speech: Noun

Logogram spellings of "{YUK}MULUK"










A black and white drawing of a face  Description automatically generated


Phoenix “Po” Panel B4



·     The 9th day of the Tzolk’in calendar.

·     Variants (5):

o A. mo.

o B. 90 degrees clockwise rotated lo.

o C. Gopher head: BAAH.

o D. Inverted vase: upside-down, very thin-lipped vase, with a “wood property marker” in the middle (= very slightly curved vertical line, going from slightly right of the centre at the top to very slightly left of centre at the bottom.

o E?. Phoenix “Po” Panel B4 doesn’t look like a MULUK, but the Haab date (coefficient and month-name) and the Tzolk’in coefficient all match the LC, so there is every reason to accept the day-name corresponding to the LC of this inscription. Perhaps it’s a variant of the gopher head (“C”)?