· The 8th day of the Tzolk’in calendar.
· Variants (3):
o A. Abstract – full variant of EK’.
o B. A “face” – divided in a top and bottom half by a slightly curved horizontal line through the middle:
§ Top: “HIX-like”:
· Tiny non-touching dots along the ceiling, on the inside (= a ceiling with dotted reinforcement).
· “Grass blades” along the floor.
§ Bottom: reduced variant of EK’ – the “bottom half” resembling two eyes and nose of a face.
o C. Normal (profile) animal head (looking left) – divided into three sub-areas:
§ Left: Bird head with “HIX-like” eye and S-shaped forehead ornament.
§ Middle: an element shaped like a shepherd’s crook.
§ Right: 90 degrees anticlockwise reduced variant of EK’ (= the “bottom half” resembling two eyes and nose of a face, but rotated).