CMGG entry for chakat2      (This article is part of the Learner's Maya Glyph Guide.)

Alternative readings: {YUK}SIP
Translation: Sip (month 3)
Part of speech: Noun

Logogram spellings of chakat2




·    The 3rd month of the Haab calendar.

·    Either:

o AT is a logogram whose meaning has been lost, so chakat = “great/red <something>”, or

o AT is being used as a rebus to write the word chakat, whose meaning has also been lost (and where the chak does not mean “great”/“red”).

Given that ihk’at and chakat are two successive months of the Haab calendar, the former is almost definitely the case, as it’s highly unlikely that there would be two independent words ihk’at and chakat with independent meanings, when ihk’ and chak themselves mean “black” and “red”.